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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.

Name: John Phelan

Class Year: 2016

Prospective Major: Economics

What kind of activities are you involved in on campus? 

Varsity Football, Delta Upsilon Fraternity

Are you excited for football season to start again?

I am. We only play 8 games a year, so you spend most of the year anticipating the first game, and then after a couple short months you start all over again. It’s frustrating, but I love it anyways.

Describe yourself in three words.

Friendly, confident and optimistic.

What is your ideal date?

Of course what really matters is the girl, but probably going miniature golfing or bowling. Something interactive that doesn’t feel scripted.

What is your favorite source of procrastination?

Unfortunately there are many. I guess either exercising or watching old TV episodes online.

Chocolate or vanilla?


What is your favorite building on campus?

Probably Sadove. You’ve got the bookstore, Euphoria, studying. There’s just a lot going on!

Katherine is currently a sophomore at Hamilton College. She loves her school, penguins, dancing and is always down for a good adventure.
Courtney is a sophomore at Hamilton College who is majoring Psychology and minoring in Sociology and Spanish. She enjoys tour guiding, writing, and living on the dark side.