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Valentine’s Day Pinterest Boards

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.


  A guide to all that is heart-shaped, pink, and way too sweet. Pinterest at times can seem overwhelming with the overload of images, so here are just a few of the great Valentine’s Day inspired boards and pin that you won’t want to miss.


If you want to go the traditional route with heart-shaped foods of every genre a great board to check out is:


Heart Shaped Foods by Katie Maiden




This board has plenty of whimsical Valentine’s Day foods, from simple heart-shaped chocolates to the beautifully delicate lace heart pancakes pictured above.


A great alternative if pink heart cakes are not for you are chocolate covered strawberries – simple, delicious, and versatile. Beyond the basic chocolate covered strawberry, Pinterest is full of unique and easy variations you could easily try yourself for this Valentine’s Day. Here are just a few fantastic pins:


Rustic Chocolate Covered Strawberry Bouquet



Or for a night out


Chocolate Covered Strawberry Shot Glasses



Another great board to check out is:

Valentine’s Day Heather Gardner Style by Heather Gardner Jewelry





This board is a great mix of Valentine’s Day inspired photos, flowers, style and food that will put you in the mood for Valentine’s Day and help inspire last minute outfit or gift ideas.


If you’re of a crafty nature a wonderful board is:

DIY Valentine’s Day Ideas by Everything Etsy



A great pin for a Valentine’s Day gift, is the chalkboard mug. This mug is a perfect gift because it simple to make and you can write anything you want on it, making your it both personalized and heart-felt.





Two of my favorite boards, as an avid baker, are Valentines Day and Be Mine both by Williams and Sonoma, which combine baking, crafts and cheesy cards, such as  




Finally, if you are tired by all of the heart-shaped pink mushiness, and couldn’t care less about having a valentine, check out this board for the caffeine lover in all of us:


Unashamed Coffee Lover by French Wedding Style



Laura is a sophomore at Hamilton College in the class of '17. She is Comparative Literature Major, who will be going abroad to Paris for her junior year. She is an avid baker and jewelry maker.