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What Girls Want, How Guys See That, Plus a Little Dating Advice

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.


Disclaimer: This is simply two people’s experiences and how they feel, not the views of everyone at Her Campus.

Ever wonder what guys think girls think about guys? One female shared her thoughts and a guy responded in this he-said she-said article. 

An Anonymous Woman’s Personal Opinion:

What is the most appealing feature in a guy? This is my opinion of what is most attractive in guys. 

First of all, the perfect guy must have the looks. I like guys with a beautiful smile because that shows that they can make me happy and they won’t be a grouch all the time. A smile shows that a guy is healthy and energetic. It also enhances his facial features.

I also think that not only does he have to have the best smile, but he must also keep a good physique. A guy with good muscles means that he can protect me and we can go to the gym together. I don’t want someone who is unhealthy. 

Personality: another important piece to the male puzzle. I want my man to be a gentleman who respects women and understands that they are as intelligent or more than males and reach farther than the stereotypes. I also want someone who can entertain them and hold interesting conversations. Someone with a sense of humor is key to a great relationship with me. 

There has to be a balance between playfulness and maturity because I don’t want to date a kid. I want to date an adult who can be as productive but still as fun as my friends. It is definitely a plus if he shares a similar lifestyle as me or if he can cook some of my favorite dishes. Obviously, I have some turnoffs. Guys, you can’t expect to date me if you smell terrible, you are boring, you smoke (sorry not attractive), and definitely, definitely if you are a cheater/some-sort-of-player. Almost as unattractive as being a player is always following your girl around or being consistently jealous. There has to be trust and being jealous all the time is just really annoying. It’s also about the respect. So, respect my friends and family.

Regardless of all the features just described, guys just treat your me right, be able to hold a conversation with me and you’re sure to be a keeper!

A Guy’s Response:

What a girl wants? If this is really what really girl wants, then they’re living in a fairy tale. Not because they present things that a man cannot be or gain, but because there is no room for irregularities.

            In retrospect, girls want too much. I say this because they seem to never accept a guy beyond face value. There are many physical aspects to a “perfect guy”, however, if he doesn’t pass the first test then he can never move on to the next. This causes a problem because he can have all the qualities presented and be funny, cool, mature and fun, but just because of one physical thing he will never get a chance. Am I the only one that sees this as a problem? Not to sound corny but what happened to not judging a book by its cover? I guess only guys have to follow that rule.

            In addition, even if he passes the “physical aspect” there comes everything else girls naturally look for within the first 30 minutes of meeting a guy. The guy may not feel comfortable and unable to show how wonderful his personality actually is. However, at this point it is to late and he already lost his chance with her. Judging a guy too quick can be a major down fall!

            My advice for all women is pretty simple: when it comes to guys go into every situation with a open-mind. Don’t automatically have a predetermined idea of what you want in a guy. Your predetermined idea can be destructive and a great guy may slip away. Last but not least, this is the most important point: women, you truly don’t know what you want in a guy. Granted, you have a idea, but you truly don’t know. If you fix yourself in a certain belief of what you like then you never give yourself a chance to accept something new and grow as a person. You seen enough teen movies where the girl falls for the guy that doesn’t fit her ideal perfect man. Hello…take notes. It wasn’t the fact he was a bad boy, it happened because she took a chance and realized she generally likes the qualities found in someone that was not normally what she went for. Taking a chance can lead to an amazing relationship! Guys can naturally surprise you. Don’t fall into certain patterns because those patterns and don’t work for everyone. Take a chance on a guy even when he does not seem to be the perfect fit for you.


Hi my name is Christopher, most people just cal me Chris, but if you call me Christopher ill think you're mad at me. long walks on the beach is something I like... yeah I really don't. It just sounds like something you should say. I just like to relax and hang out
Courtney is a sophomore at Hamilton College who is majoring Psychology and minoring in Sociology and Spanish. She enjoys tour guiding, writing, and living on the dark side.