On the 4th episode of the 2nd season of GIRLS, Hannah’s dinner party is a recipe for disaster. Marnie walks in to her old apartment to find Charlie and his new girlfriend (the Navaho) sitting in the living room. Hannah, wearing a “this mama cooks” apron explains to Charlie and the Navaho that her and Marnie are on horrible terms and that she only invited Marie as a gesture. Things got awkward REAAALLL fast when Marnie’s trigger word, “butthole”, came up in conversation at the dinner table. This led to the Navaho confessing to Marnie her true feelings toward her. Full of anger, Marnie runs out of the party and onto the roof, where she is greeted minutes later by Charlie (who by the way needs a serious haircut, he looks like broccoli). Despite the fact that both Marnie and Charlie are seeing other people, Charlie can’t help but make a move on his ex-girlfriend. STUPIDLY, Marnie stops him in the name of Booth Jonathan who is a COMPLETE weirdo. While the Charlie/Marnie drama was playing out, a very naïve Shoshanna is hit with surprise when she realizes that Ray is living with her. The drama continues when Jessa meets Thomas John’s parents for dinner. Even though she hates the restaurant, she is so happy to meet them! Much like Hannah’s dinner party, this dinner does not go as planned. Jessa, being the free spirit we know, admits to leaving Oberlin College after only 7 months to go to rehab for heroin. But don’t worry she never shot it, only snorted. After Jessa makes a pretty bad impression, she and Thomas return to their apartment only to find themselves in a screaming argument (without any puppies :( ). This feud seems to have ended their marriage. Even though this relationship was deteriorating as fast as Hannah and Childish Gambino’s, the connection between Shoshanna and Ray was burning up like Hannah’s pad thai. Shoshanna hesitantly confesses to Ray that she is falling in love with him. At first he responds by telling her it’s too soon for her to say things like that. Shoshanna quickly apologizes when Ray interjects and says, “I love you so fucking much.” Does Ray love Shoshanna as much as we love this show? Probably not, but we’ll see.
Our favorite scene of this episode was not when Charlie made a move on Marnie, nor was it when Ray confessed his love for Shoshanna. It was the beautiful rendition of Wonderwall performed by Hannah herself naked in the bathtub. What an episode!