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How To Start Your Week Off On The Right Foot

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamline chapter.

We all know the pains of starting a new week. When Mondays roll around, there is nothing more appealing than hitting the snooze button and curling tightly under the covers. However, the day will eventually need to start, and there is nothing worse than rolling out of bed and not being ready for the week ahead. Here are some ways to use Sunday in order to start your week off on the right foot.

Prep on Sundays:

Whether or not you believe Sundays are the first day of the week, using them to get ready for the following Monday is an easy way to stay organized. Sit down and write down everything you need to get done during the week. This way, you can easily check it off when it’s done and you won’t be wondering if there’s anything else you need to do during the week. If you have a lot going on later in the week, you can also use your Sundays to get a head start on your work.

Get your chores done:

Sundays are also good days to do those chores you’ve neglected to do during the week. Clean your dishes, sweep or vacuum the floor, organize your study space, do your laundry and wash your sheets. If it’s nice out, open the windows and get some fresh air into your room. Getting these things done will not only help you feel productive, it’ll also be nice to get it out of the way. Put on some music and clean your space. If you’re not sure how to organize your study place, here is an article to help you out (link to Maria’s article).

Finish homework:

If you have homework to finish that was assigned last week, use Sunday to finish it up. No one enjoys the feeling of needing to scramble in order to finish an assignment. Take a look at your syllabus and make sure you’ve finished everything you need to do. If you know you need to get something done, sit down and get it done.


If you’re religious, take the time to go to Church. If you don’t identify with any religion, take some time to meditate. This doesn’t mean you need to sit in absolute silence with your legs crossed. If it’s nice out, go for a walk; do some yoga, journal. Do something to help you focus on yourself. Life isn’t simply about getting work done so make sure you are taking care of your mental health.

Pamper yourself Sunday night:

If you’ve spent the entire day planning, cleaning and getting homework done, you deserve to take some time to pamper yourself. Take a bath or shower and spend time really taking care of yourself, and don’t forget to moisturize when you’re done. Give yourself a face mask. Watch a movie you’ve been wanting to watch. Read that book school work has forced you to put aside. Do something you want to do.  

Go to bed early:

The best way to make sure you’re ready for the next day is to make sure you get enough sleep. Clean sheets, clean pajamas and a clean self are the holy trinity of a good night’s sleep, so utilize them. Who really cares if it means you’re crawling into bed at ten.

These are the things I do in order to make sure I’m as ready as possible for Monday. Though it may not be possible to be 100 percent prepared, having my space organized and my week planned in advance definitely makes it easier.


Lauren Stretar is a student at Hamline University studying creative writing and sociology. She has two poems published.