Have you ever been in a situation with a dude where at first he started off cool, he was a good friend with no issues and there was good energy… But then the second you guys had sex he slowly started to show signs of crazy? Well let me tell you, sophomore year of college definitely showed me how dudes can become 100% OBSESSED with you the second after you all become intimate. I remember always being that person who believed girls were the only pressed ones in the relationship or who always liked the dude more. However, I was so wrong. Slowly I began having weird encounters with this guy and the craziness really started to kick in, literally from the day we started having sex. So ladies, sit back and relax, because I am about to tell you the five major signs that the dude you are messing with is not only becoming obsessed with you, but is just straight up CRAZY!
He will have a whole conversation with you through text, randomly catch an attitude and end it by saying a “goodbye” of some sort, but then within that same hour CALL you numerous times as if he had not just cut you off a few minutes ago…
He consistently hits you up and asks to have sex, you say no, and then he PULLS UP to your dorm, calls you, and still begs you to come outside. When you say no, he insists that he will just come up to your room himself!
While you’re having sex, he whispers creepy things in your ear about how he needs to be the only guy in your life and how his strokes are “changing your life.”
He gets mad if you even mention that you have other guy associates. Like, I swear he probably gets mad at the idea of you even having male professors… Yikes.
And last, but certainly not least…
5. This man is EVERYWHERE you go! And no, it is not just a casual coincidence. He literally makes every effort to find you everywhere on campus. And when you do see him in person, he makes every effort to lure you in for sex at that very moment.
So, girl, if you are currently experiencing any of these five things, let me just say, it is time for you to RUN. I was so naive and didn’t realize how psychotic the dude I was talking to was and to this day I still have issues with him acting obsessive. For example, during homecoming week he called me ten times trying to convince me not to go to a party with my friends so that I could spend the day with him. And the guy and I haven’t even had sex in months, yet he is still pressed!
Boy, bye!
And please don’t let it get to your head that these guys are acting this way because you have a “magical vagina” or something, like I did. No. They are just crazy. Simple as that. Get a restraining order on him. This isn’t normal. No vagina makes someone act this way. These men simply just have issues and literally are obsessed with you which is not safe. Even if the sex is amazing, or he is a “super freak”, that man is a no-no. So take a step back, notice the signs, and go about your way in finding some new, bomb, non-crazy penis!