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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

Dads are so important in their daughter’s lives. From the outside looking in, these men may seem like regular-degular guys, but to their daughters, they are the first man they learn to love, the first man to see them cry, their everything really. I find it extremely important for daughters to have a positive relationship with their father. Even if the relationship isn’t with their biological father, a constant positive relationship with a male that has earned the recognition of being a father figure is extremely important is a young girl’s life.  A daughter who has a steady, loving relationship with her father is also the most likely to create emotional stability and fulfilling relationships with other men. She is able to create emotionally healthy relationships with men because she has learned, primarily from her father, how to communicate well and to resolve differences with men.  


Parents have a major effect on their kids when it comes to their presence in their kid’s life. The absence of a parent can cause severe behavioral problems, depression, substance abuse, along with a plethora of other psychological issues. A father is the first person his daughter will learn from right next to the mother. They learn how a man should treat them, talk to them, and overall interact with men.


Often times when people feel neglected or rejected they tend to blame themselves. Even as adults we do this, so imagine what this does to the psyche of a young child.  This often times causes kids to become hostile, aggressive and emotionally unstable.


While this article is not to depict that fathers are more important than mothers, it is to show how some of the most important lessons that one will learn will come from a father or some kind of father figure. Mothers will teach life lessons like kindness and forgiveness, fathers focus on perseverance and resilience.


From my own personal experience of not having a father figure in my life, I know my life experiences would be very different had he been present. I blamed myself for a long time for his absence; it wasn’t until recently in my 20’s that I began to properly heal from it. I guarantee you, if you do not take the time to face and mend that relationship, it will eat you alive every day subconsciously.  For a long time, I was in a place of anger and hate and I would take that out on everyone around me, this affected me mentally as well as socially. I know none of my past relationships have worked because I carried that hurt from relationship to relationship starting from the very first relationship I had with my dad.

When you start your healing journey you have to be coming from a place of complete forgiveness or this will not give you the peace you are seeking. Do not make the mistake and think this is about them because it’s not. IT’S ABOUT YOU! Walking around with this chip on your shoulder is only hindering you from fully loving yourself.

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Kierra Cole

Hampton U '19

27. Hampton U. Alumna
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Ania Cotton

Hampton U '18

Ania is a charismatic, outgoing, fun loving individual with aspirations of owning her own public relations firm. Her favorite shows are Spongebob, Regular Show, and Bob's Burgers, and she loves to eat. Ania graduated from Hampton University in May 2018 with her Bachelors of Arts in Strategic Communications with a minor in Spanish. Ania loves to talk and give advice to her friends and family; the motto that she lives by is to always be a blessing to others because you never know who may need it. To learn more about her, visit her website at www.anianicole.com.