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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

Being creative, innovative, and having the ability to showcase talent through music, art, or even clothing is not something foreign on the campus of Hampton University. The student body is full of many talented and gifted individuals who use their abilities to their advantage. Safiya Kiongozi is one of many students who use their creativity to set themselves apart.

Kiongozi, a sophomore, marketing major from Fayetteville, Georgia, designs and creates clothing. As a teenager transitioning from High School into the Hamptonian she is today, she found her own personal ability to design clothes that truly define who she is. From shirts, shorts, and skirts she defines her personal style as “modern vintage with a hint of African.” One of the reasons why she makes her own clothing is because she wants items you can’t buy in the stores and won’t see anyone else wearing. She also describes her style as very versatile, “I like to blend a lot of different styles like retro or vintage and I like looks that are influenced from older eras, specifically the 80’s.”

Kiongizi was first influenced by her mother. As child she was aware of her mom making clothes for her. Once she got older she saw the different pieces she made and automatically got inspired. She also refers to Instagram as a personal influence because she sees items that might spark an idea or a potential creation that she can add her own twist to. Although she started off just embellishing clothing, Safiya now buys her own fabric and puts her sewing machine to work. One of the first pieces of clothing she ever altered was a pair of high waist shorts by simply taking scissors and distressing them to her liking. One of her favorite pieces she has ever made is her African printed shorts that she stresses embodies her unique style. She refers to her most complex creations being the many infinity scarves she’s made because they take time and a lot patience to create.

At the moment, Safiya just makes clothing for herself and uses her ability as a personal hobby she indulges in. But she is looking into potentially creating clothes for people to purchase sometime in the near future. Either way, she is a true Hamptonian taking full advantage of her talents while inspiring herself and those around her!