Halloween has to be one of my top 3 favorite holidays. It’s the day when friends gather to have fun, eat candy, and step outside of their own worlds. Parents put out candy, costume parties are thrown, and kids are on a sugar high from the night’s Trick or Treating.
This year is a little bit different. COVID-19 has changed the way everyone has celebrated and will be celebrating their favorite holidays. Although kids won’t be Trick or Treating, friends might not be able to go to parties, and parents won’t be buying as much candy, there is still a way to have fun with Halloween costumes!
My favorite Halloween costume of all time (which also happens to be the cheapest and most creative one I’ve ever done) was my soda costume. No, it wasn’t with the tutu’s and the t-shirts you find on generic Pinterest pages – it involved cardboard, pencils, and painting.
“Friends in Homemade Halloween Costumes” by Eden Jones
It was originally my best friend’s idea to think outside of the box since she is an amazing artist (Love you, Jada!). I knew I wanted to join her in creating our costumes because nobody else at our school would have even thought of doing what we did.
All three of us probably met twice to create the costumes. The first time, we cut out and traced our soda brands onto cardboard. This really didn’t take a long time since Jada had cut hers out earlier. Now, for my friends who think this is something they’d like to do, here’s a tip: if you’re using your phone as a reference, make sure to constantly check your tracing to make sure it’s not wonky. I had to go back multiple times to get my curves right!
For painting, Amazon and Michael’s have great options. I recommend acrylic not only because it’s my favorite but also because the colors are so much brighter. As long as you trace your shapes and know where your colors are going, painting is the easiest step!
Even though we did soda cans, this creative and fun costume idea can be applied to anything you can imagine. You can make picture themed costumes, scenery themed costumes, or whatever your heart desires. Just because Halloween is looking a little different this year, it doesn’t mean you can have fun with your friends and family! Stay safe, and have a spooky Halloween. :)