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Hampton Seasonal Blues and How to Deal with Them

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

Right on schedule, Hampton University students haven’t been so happy, sure this might be due to the weather but maybe also because of how long we were home for break. So, My advice to you is to do a few things to get fully ready for the second semester. 

If you were like me and did not do that well last semester, now is the time for redemption and a time to better yourself in general. The first thing to do is to “lock in” on your school work and make that your main priority. Don’t procrastinate, the months go by so fast, so you might forget an assignment or two, and make sure to weekly check your classes and what assignments you have due in the future.

Get a planner. Right down all your assignments, arrange your work and plan your days. Just so you don’t miss any assignments or get overwhelmed. 

Go to class. Don’t skip just because you can; because if you do you might miss something important. Some professors only allow a certain number of unexcused absences so save them for when you do need them.

Try some new study strategies. Now, when it comes to studying make sure that you have all your assigned textbooks and try to find a good study spot. Some new study strategies can be looking at your notes weekly and making sure you know what is going on in the class. If you need help GO GET A TUTOR, make sure to get ahead of that because if you wait till the last minute to get a tutor it might be too late. 

Get out there. If you feel like you are not experiencing the college experience, make sure to go out more, join clubs, and just socialize. You only have 4 years and you are out in the world on your own, you need to make sure you make the most of this time, and some of that time should be spent going out to parties, or at least going out and making friends and connections that will last long. However, It is also totally okay to take some time alone when your social battery is dead, or you don’t feel like talking to anyone its normal. 

We need to also continue to better ourselves by eating, exercising, and just getting out of bed. Because seasonal depression affects up to 44 percent of college students. 

Here are a few symptoms of seasonal depression: 

-Changes in appetite; eating less or eating more, craving carbs

-Changes in sleep: usually sleeping too much, loss of energy, increased sleep hours

-Increase in physical activity or slowed movements and or speech. 

As we come back home from being gone for a month it’s normal to feel a little lazy but you should also try to get back into the groove of things. The weather is cold weather and the frequent rainy weather makes it hard to get up. But, if you are not feeling well make sure that you just get out of your bed, that is better than staying in bed and making it worse, and make sure to eat! If things are truly bad, talk to someone a friend, a teacher, anyone. 

I hope you take off these tips and make sure to lock in this semester and better yourself!

Morgan Williams

Hampton U '25

Hello, my name is Morgan Williams and I am a psychology major and minor in political science on the prelaw track, I run Track and Field and I enjoy writing