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Help! I Want to Have Sex, But I Don’t Want a Baby

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.


Now we should all know by now that babies do not come from the Stork, nor are they bought at a store where they can be returned if you don’t want them anymore. Television has done a pretty good job on educating us on sex, pregnancy, and the aftermath of unprotected sex. Our parents have done a great job scaring us out of sex with the typical, “Don’t you bring no babies in my house,” mentality, and church has even taught us that sex before marriage is a one way ticket to Hell.

However, it’s the 21st century and it’s time that we become aware of a few things:

  1. Girls want to have sex just as much as guys.

  2. There are several options out there for you to prevent pregnancy and still have sex.

So.. what exactly are your options?



Don’t want a baby? Don’t have sex! You can avoid the whole thing completely if you just don’t do it. Some people stick to strictly oral sex and if that’s your thing then more power to you! Abstaining from sex is the only 100% fool proof way to avoid pregnancy, although it might take some willpower to keep from having actual intercourse.



Condoms are your next best bet to preventing pregnancy, and can be found literally everywhere. They’re available in various sizes, flavors, and have different added features to them that make sex more enjoyable. They’re definitely a must if you’re going to be having sex and are looking to prevent STDs and having a baby. They’re as cheap as $1 in some places, and they even give them out for free at the Health Center. Don’t get caught lost in the sauce, go out and buy your own condoms so you don’t have to worry if he doesn’t have one. You’ll always be protected!

The Pill


The pill is one of the easiest forms of contraception, and is one of the most effective next to condoms and abstinence. Literally all you do is take one pill at the same time every day, and you’re good to go! Pills come in a pack of 26-30 and are either green or white, with the last 5 pills being brown or blue. Depending on the brand your GYN gives you, yours may be different. If you’re worried about forgetting to take it, start setting reminders on your phone as well as an alarm to go off and remind you.

Your GYN will prescribe you the brand that works best with your body, so be sure to let them know if any of the side effects are particularly worse than others. Common side effects include weight gain, acne breakouts, fatigue, and irritability however in some cases they’ve been shown to clear up acne, lighten your periods and make them shorter, and to help with weight loss. They work different for everyone, so you’ll just have to find what works best for you!

The Shot


The shot is very effective and helpful if you know for a fact that you’ll forget to take your pill. One shot keeps you covered for 3 months, so you’ll only have to get 4 shots a year. The biggest side effect is that it can make you gain a crazy amount of weight, up to 15-20 pounds in only a year. Talk to your GYN to see what your options are and to see if this is what’s best for you!





The NuvaRing

The NuvaRing is a ring that you insert in your vagina and leave in for 3 weeks, letting it gradually release hormones into your body to prevent pregnancy. It needs to be changed every month, and refrigerated before use as well as inserted at home by yourself. It’s sort of like inserting a tampon, just without the applicator. If you’re comfortable enough to get it in there, then go for it and ask your GYN to prescribe you one!













So there you have it, five basic contraceptive methods that will allow you to have sex without having a baby. If you want any more information on these, be sure to talk to your GYN at your next visit, or head over to Planned Parenthood’s website for more detailed information on each. Stay safe ladies!

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Ania Cotton

Hampton U '18

Ania is a charismatic, outgoing, fun loving individual with aspirations of owning her own public relations firm. Her favorite shows are Spongebob, Regular Show, and Bob's Burgers, and she loves to eat. Ania graduated from Hampton University in May 2018 with her Bachelors of Arts in Strategic Communications with a minor in Spanish. Ania loves to talk and give advice to her friends and family; the motto that she lives by is to always be a blessing to others because you never know who may need it. To learn more about her, visit her website at www.anianicole.com.