There was a time when it seemed like obtaining a degree and starting a career was the most lucrative way to get “where you wanted to go” in your life. However, as our society moves away from strictly 9-5 careers to network marketing and entrepreneurship, GenZ has found ourselves scrambling for the newest hot network marketing strategy. As inspiring as it is to participate in a society where we understand that ‘cubicle life’ is not living, I implore all of us to take a step back and actually understand what we’re getting ourselves into.
Network marketing can be a vibe! Creating and building a residual income from the comfort of your home is every money-makers dream, but that isn’t the only option. GenZ has the option to turn almost anything they “love” into a career. But, where do we start deciding?
Find your passion. Find the one thing that fuels you, fulfills you, and motivates you to be the best you possible; because in reality you’ll always be putting in work. Work does not always have to be physical work. Sometimes your ‘work’ becomes crafting new ideas for the public, or promoting your product. But, if your passion is communication related that’s the perfect avenue.
Also, keep your final outcome in Identifying your passion, this does not have to be a complicated process. Begin with the things your good at. Your passion doesn’t not always have to be a product or service you can provide, but a talent that you can flip.
JayCole created a job off of her passion for comedy. Jackie Aina was passionate about makeup and built and became a YouTube mogul from it. There are plenty of people taking the simple things that they’ve learned that they excel in and putting that energy into a product or service.
It takes no time to invest 5 minutes a day in yourself discovering what your passionate about. Visualize how you want your life to look, especially with time delegation. Select an avenue that will give you the outcome that you want in your life with the least amount of worry and stress.
Be the change you want to see in the world, and the inspiration that you may wish you had. Never forget that every person was put on this planet with a talent. Use it!