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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Harvard chapter.

Costumes and parties are fun and all, but my favorite part of Halloween is obviously the candy. Nothing brought my little heart more joy than stocking up enough of the sweet stuff to last me for the months to come. Today, though I’m (sadly) much too old for trick-or-treating, my love for Halloween candy is as strong as ever. It was quite the task for me to pick only five of my favorites, but here they are: 

Candy Corn

A classic, truly. I don’t know what it is, but once I eat just one of those little striped triangles, I have to eat more. My family always buys several bags of it so it’ll last us long after October has passed: it’s that good.

Sour Patch Kids

You already know the deal; first they’re sour, then they’re sweet. Never gets old. 


Some people say Twizzlers taste like strawberry plastic, but I find them to be quite tasty! Especially the little, fat ones that trick-or-treaters hand out; I’ll easily eat 10 at a time (lol).

Peanut-Butter M&Ms

As a kid I wasn’t a huge fan of peanut butter or chocolate (crazy, I know), but as I’ve gotten older and my taste buds have matured, I’ve come to love both of them. Peanut-Butter M&Ms, in their colorful casings, strike the perfect balance between the two flavors, making them one of the best Halloween treats.


 An all-time favorite, the cookie, chocolate, and caramel combo just can’t be beat.

All of that to say, I hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween and gets to enjoy some candy! I know I will :p

Kaelin Ray

Harvard '22

I'm a junior at Harvard studying Neuroscience with a secondary in Spanish (also pre-med!) from the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan. Here on campus, I'm a captain of the women's club volleyball team, events chair for the Generational African American Students Association (GAASA), and a mentor with the Science Club for Girls. I'm really passionate about working with kids and helping people through medicine; hopefully I'll be able to combine the two someday. Outside of all of that, some of my hobbies are DIY fashion, thrift shopping, photography, and (sometimes) running. Follow me on insta! @kaelin.ray
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