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Karl Kopczynski ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Harvard chapter.

Name: Karl Kopczynski

Year: 2015

House: Mather

Hometown: Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Concentration: Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality; Music

Relationship Status: Taken

Describe yourself in three words: White Breasted Nuthatch.

How would you define your personal style? Clothes: Sweaters, sweaters, and more sweaters. Interpersonal: Take everything with a droplet of salt.

If you could be a superhero, which one would you be and why? Probably Raven from Teen Titans, because who doesn’t want psychic powers? I mean, you can really do ANYTHING with psychic powers, including (but not limited to) flying and throwing things at people. Raven is also super dark, mysterious, and sassy, which gives her kind of an edge that has always captivated me.

What are you involved with on campus? Theatre, Feminism, and going to iHop.

What is your favorite Harvard memory? Starting the wave at iHop. Twice. (Two times.)  

What do you look for in a significant other? I don’t really believe in “looking” for a significant other. What is often the case is that he or she has been there the entire time. But ideally he would be foreign, short, and able to dance.

What is your best physical trait? My forehead acne.

Describe your ideal date: Crashing a fancy boat party in Shanghai and drinking all the wine.

Contributing Blogger Hayley C. Cuccinello is a junior at Harvard College studying English and Psychology. She loves pastries, running, terminating aliens (think video games), and theater.
 Michelle is a senior at Harvard College hailing from Long Island, New York. She is pursuing a degree in Comparative Literature with a minor in English and special focus fields in sleep deprivation and procrastination. At any given moment, you are most likely to find her racking up points on her Starbucks Gold Card, writing by the Charles River, or stalking Boo's latest photo shoot. Michelle couldn't be more excited to be part of the Her Campus team and bring HC to life on Harvard's campus, and she would love to hear from you with any feedback!