The American Cancer Society estimates that around 246,660 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed this year and 40,450 will die from the disease. With such staggering rates it remains a mystery why so many women opt to save their breasts instead of their lives; maybe they feel they need their breasts to feel beautiful, or they haven’t fully comprehended just how deadly breast cancer can really be.
  I can’t proclaim to know how hard the decision is, or how devastating receiving a diagnosis would be, but I would like to issue a statement to all women, diagnosed or not.
  Our breasts are a practical part of our anatomy, they allow us to feed future children, and yes on the side they are appealing to our male (or female) counterparts. BUT our breasts, boobies, tatas, whatever you want to call them, are not what make us beautiful, they are not what define us, and they should not be what kill us.
  If given the choice between our lives and our breasts the choice should be clear; save the woman, not the boobs!
  Additionally, to the men that gawk at women’s boobs, that mock small breasts, condemning women to the “itty bitty titty committee” and other such sanctions – grow up! Boobs are not for you, they are a part of a woman, and they are her choice.
If we all stopped glorifying boobs and focused on the woman behind the breasts then maybe we could lower the 40,450 death rate.