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What It Feels Like When You Get Quadded

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Harvard chapter.

Getting quadded can elicit all types of reactions: excitement, shock, rage, disappointment, neutrality. There is no wrong way to get quadded. It’s a process and at the end of the day, hopefully you’ll come to terms with your placement. 


1. Denial

“Wow, Eliot sounds SO much like Cabot. Isn’t that weird?”


2. Anger

“How could they quad us? I’m a gov major. I LIVE in CGIS.”


3. Bargaining

“Maybe if I find a significant other at the river I can just move in with them. I don’t even need to keep my stuff there, just a change of clothes and a toothbrush.”


4. Depression

“I’m never going to see my river friends. I’m always going to be late to class. I’m not going to be able to eat late night Felipe’s anymore. What’s the point of getting out of bed in the morning if I have to walk ALL THE WAY to the square?”


5. Acceptance

“Actually, the housing is really nice. And we have all the lit parties. A lot of my friends live in the quad anyway, but real friends come to the quad. It’s going to be a great three years.”

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Audrey Thorne

Harvard '19

Audrey is a Senior in Pforzheimer house. She likes writing, adventure, Tatte, and doing things ironically it's no longer ironic. She's also Co-Campus Coordinator of the Her Campus Harvard branch.