If you’re not looking for someone special to share this Valentine’s Day with, what better way to spend it than with your best friends, popcorn, and chocolate! Below we have listed our top five picks for best movies to watch with your girl friends this Valentine’s Day!
The Notebook
A classic Valentine’s Day pick, be sure to have the tissues handy! This may just be one of the best romance movies of our generation. Plus, who doesn’t love watching Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams fall in love as the world’s prettiest couple?
No Strings Attached
Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman star in this rom com that is a perfect choice for this Valentine’s Day. We love their chemistry and the story line is really refreshing! Not your typical romantic storyline, the lack of fairytale makes the storyline much more realistic and believable.
He’s Just Not That Into You
This movie teaches some valuable life lessons as brought to you by an incredibly hilarious cast. Boasting names such as Justin Long and Ginnifer Goodwin, this movie shows that while we don’t always get things right the first time around, there’s someone out there for everyone. Storylines intertwine to leave us with a hilarious and heartwarming ending.
Crazy, Stupid Love
Three words: Ryan Gosling shirtless…often. All I want for Valentine’s Day this year is to be Emma Stone in the dirty dancing scene from this movie. But seriously, this movie may be my favorite on the list. While not always lighthearted, this movie teaches us valuable lessons about making mistakes, forgiveness, knowing what it means to be a family, and that Ryan Gosling is in fact, perfect.
Valentine’s Day
What better movie to watch on Valentine’s Day than the movie with the day in its’ title? This movie boasts another incredible cast with interwoven story lines. This movie covers story lines from Valentine’s Day haters (Jessica Biel) to a tear jerking military mom (Julia Roberts) to the trials and tribulations of young love (Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner). Regardless of your opinion of the holiday, this movie includes all types of love!