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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hawaii chapter.

Are you feeling overwhelmed?

You’re not alone!

I’m sure you’ve heard it all before and it hasn’t stopped you from feeling like the weight of the world is crashing down on you, but here it is telling you again: You are not alone.

2020 was a crazy year and despite our best wishes for things to be better, 2021 isn’t much different. With all the memes, politics, and overall “it be how it be” attitude, it’s easy to forget that being in a “not-okay” head-space is OKAY.

Here’s a little list of things you can do everyday to help improve your mood and find a balance in this crazy rollarcoaster of a life.


1. When you wake up in the morning shout: TODAY IS GOING TO BE A GREAT DAY!

This may be hard to do if you don’t have roommates or family that are early birds like you, or just generally want to not hear shouting in the morning, but even saying the words out-loud to yourself can really set the tone for the rest of your day. Things are going to happen that are out of your control regardless of what you do to change it. This is something that you can do that is within your control. So shout it if you can, say it out-loud, sing it, feel it in your bones, because TODAY is going to be a GREAT DAY.


2. Make a written To-Do list. 

This one may seem like a no-brainer, but having a list of things you have to do rambling in your head or on your phone isn’t the same as having it on paper. There’s a certain satisfaction and secret pleasure that comes with checking off a box on paper that you were dreading to complete all week (or let’s face it, all month.) Also, once you have everything written down, it’ll help your brain rest knowing it doesn’t have to be constantly reminding you of what you have to do. Everytime my mind feels like a whirlwind (which is often,) I find that making a single list of homework, chores, and anything else I need to get done is the best thing to check off first.


3. Pat yourself on the back. Better yet, give yourself a hug.

Again, no-brainer, but it’s always nice to be reminded that you are there for yourself. You’re going to be with yourself for the rest of your life. Instead of searching for someone to understand, remember that you understand. This doesn’t mean no one will ever be able to relate. However, when you want to show your friends or family that you love them, that you are there for them, that you sympathize with them, or that you miss them, you give them a hug. So why wouldn’t you want to do that for yourself? Give yourself a hug to remind yourself that you love you!


4. Do something for you.

Think about what you want. Not what someone else wants. Not what you think you should want. Not about the stress of things that still need to be completed. I know it’s hard, but all your duties will still be there after the fact. You can always do things for others after doing something for yourself. You’re not the best version of you when you’re stressed and overwhelmed, so this is an important question to ask: What would you like to be doing right now? And then do it. This means, if you want to go to the beach, go for it. Right now. Yes, even if it’s raining. Do you want to play with a dog but your apartment or dorm doesn’t allow pets? Walk over to a pet shop or the Hawaiian Humane Society and hang out with some furry friends for the day. Better yet, ask if you can volunteer or help in any way. Want to lay on the floor and watch a movie you’ve watched for the billionth time? I’m right there with yah and I’m rooting you on, do it. Do what you need to do in this moment, whatever it takes to remind yourself that you are in control. Everything will get done regardless of if you throw a few hours for yourself in first. 


5. Most importantly, remember that it’s okay to not be okay.

You don’t have to be “put together” right now. It’s okay if you’re not completing all your assignments. It’s alright if you’re struggling to focus in class. It’s okay to ask for help and it’s alright to want to rough it out on your own. Maybe the only thing you’re able to do is crawl to the beach and lay under the sun. Maybe you’re just rolled up on the couch binge watching Sex In The City (I know that’s me). Whatever the case, it is okay to not be okay. Life is comlicated. The world is complicated. Emotions are even more complicated. Anything you feel is valid simply because you feel it, so let yourself feel it. Just always remember you will find a balance, life is beautiful that way.

Tall, funny, and I love to write everything on my mind.
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