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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hawaii chapter.

Being any kind of mom –  all have one thing in common: love. I am a plant mom, so let me tell you about how much I love my plants. Being a college student comes with its own set of rules and regulations, such as no dogs or cats allowed in the dorms. 

Animals aren’t allowed in the dorms, so that leaves us with plants. Being a plant mom has been one of the most rewarding things in my college experience. I have been able to find, love, and take care of these beautiful gifts from mother nature all on my own. 

While I am still learning about plants, it is nice to have year-long comfort that comes from having indoor plants. I truly believe that owning plants brings great comfort and joy, and if you would like to start your own plant shelf or plant on every single flat surface in your dorm, apartment or house but not sure where to start I have a few varieties that are super easy to take care of for all the newbies! 

Chinese Money Plant- At first I wasn’t so sure about this plant, but after bringing it home and repotting it, I found out how great this little plant is! I love this little guy so much. The leaves are flat and round, which resembles a lily pad leaf, which reminds me of home. Taking care of this little guy is so easy. A little water every other day and a bit of indirect sunlight makes him happy. 

Snake Plant- Every plant parent I have met has told me that this is by far the easiest, low maintenance plant they have. I know my snake plant does just fine all on its own, sitting in the kitchen in the Volcano themed pot. They require little to no water and will thrive in low and bright light. It doesn’t get much easier than that! 

Peace Lily- Although maybe a little more ambitious than a snake plant, Peace Lilies are relatively easy to take care of. They benefit from indirect sunlight and thrive in moist soil. Just a quick spritz of water each day will have your Peace Lily happy and healthy. I have not added this to my personal collection, but growing up my mom took care of our Peace Lily that sat right above the fireplace on the mantel.

Having plants in my home has been breathtaking; having a snippet of mother nature inside the four walls of my home has made me that much more appreciative of the Earth, what it has to offer, what it can grow, and how it feeds us. These plants are just a piece of love and a piece of mother nature that I can grow and take care of in my own home. 

Hey guys my name is Abby! Currently studying and living in Hawaii as a young aspiring journalist and Psychologist (: Always an advocate for following your dreams and exploring new activities, foods and adventures.