“When you think I’m staring”
Yes, I do think you’re very attractive. No, not you, the kid sitting behind you. No, don’t wave, WHAT STOP?
We’ve all been there: when we linger a little too long on that one guy’s eyebrows and he thinks you just named each other’s kids. Here are a few reactions that we all have when we make that awkward eye contact:
Have I seen you before? No, maybe I knew you in middle school?
Dude. What. The. Hell. Are. You. Wearing.
OMG. When was the last time you shaved your armpits? …. I guess some people are into that.
Sorry, I’m actually thinking about lunch. Ignore my stare, it isn’t for you.
Okay so maybe I actually am staring because you’re attractive. Whoops. #sorrynotsorry