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3 Reasons Why You Should Go Makeup Free (Sometimes)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Helsinki chapter.

Going out without any makeup can be a challenge for some, but natural for others. If not having foundation or mascara on makes you feel uncomfortable and vulnerable, maybe this listicle will help you overcome those feelings and help you appreciate your natural beauty! Of course, putting on makeup is also fun and there is absolutely nothing wrong with feeling more confident when you got those eyebrows perfectly on point. However, going makeup-free for a day every now and then has its advantages, too.

1. Cleaner pillowcase

For some this might be old news, and some might not have even considered it, but our pillowcases are disgusting. Even if you dutifully wash your face with makeup removal every night before going to bed, that is not enough. Unless you exfoliate your skin daily (which also is not a good idea), some of the foundation will stick to your skin. That foundation will in turn be transferred into your pillowcase, as you sweat and scrub your face against it 8 hours a night. Not a very pleasant thought when you press your tired, shower-fresh head to your pillow at the end of the day. So, going makeup free for a day or two not only gives your skin some time to breathe, but it also helps you keep your pillowcase clean(er).


2.Longer nights and shorter mornings

If you really enjoy getting up early in the mornings and enjoy preparing yourself for the day long before you actually leave the house, this part does not concern you. For the rest of us, getting even that few extra minutes of sleep in the morning can be more precious than gold. Putting on makeup can be really fun, but usually that only applies when you actually have the time for it and you don’t need to struggle to keep your eyes open. On some mornings it can be extremely relieving to just get up, get dressed, grab a bite and head out. Remember, getting enough sleep is always more important than makeup.


3. Not having to worry about your face

Ever had that moment when you’re so tired you just rub your eyes or face blissfully until you realize you’ve probably just spreaded half of your mascara on your cheeks? Well, I have. I’ve also been in a situation where I had to walk to school in -20 degrees celcius, only to realize that my eyelashes had frozen on the way and had started melting during class, resulting in a waterfall of mascara down my face. Despite loving makeup, I also love those days when I can just rub my face freely, maybe shed a few tears and even go for an ex tempore swim without having to think about my face.

Photo by Luca Iaconelli / Unsplash

An English major who suffers from continuous wanderlust and too-many-books-too-little-time syndrome.