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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Helsinki chapter.

I am very fond of oatmeal. If pressed, I might even admit it’s my favourite meal – well, favourite breakfast, anyway. And I like to experiment. In the past, I’ve written about take-away oatmeal and beetroot oatmeal, for example. However,  think I’ve managet to crack the ultimate oatmeal code, and thus, let me present to you the best, yummiest oatmeal I’ve mustered:

Decadent Oatmeal Delight (serves 1)

  • your regular portion of oatmeal
  • 1-2 tsp peanut butter (I usually go with one generous spoonful)
  • 1-2 tsp chocolate flavoured protein powder (I use soy protein powder)
  • dried crabberries (to taste)
  • dried banana flakes (optional)
  • cashews (optional)
  • oatmilk (to help stir the protein powder in)

Mix all ingredients and enjoy!

I eat some variation of this most mornings. It’s energising fulfilling and nutrient-dense. And, as always, feel free to experiment with the recipe to fine-tune it into the perfect decadent oatmeal for you.


An English major, Campus Correspondent, feminist and aspiring literary scholar.