Year: 3rd
Major: English philology
Hometown: orignally from Espoo, but now living in Helsinki
Hobbies: Photography, music, writing, reading, exploring the nature
What is your typical breakfast like?
I’m such a kid; I don’t drink coffee. However, my morning is nothing without chocolate milk, so that and orange juice for drink. My favorite breakfast would be a greek yogurt and nutella swirl (works really nicely together!) with granola, a chopped banana, raspberries, blueberries and crushed almonds. For a healthier version I recommend organic honey to replace the nutella.
What has been your favorite class at the University of Helsinki so far?
I’m currently taking an advanced English course on creative writing at the Language Center, and even though we’re only a few weeks in, I have to say it’s my favorite! I like anything where I can be creative and don’t have to follow too strict academic guidelines.
If you were a fictional character, who would you be?
Probably Anne from Anne of Green Gables. She’s an absent-minded daydreamer with a sense of humor on a quest for beauty. I’m not sure I’m as good in my studies as she is, though.
What made you smile recently?
The most recent pictures on the @alpacasofinstagram account on Instagram (I’m @evekammonen by the way!). I love alpacas for many reasons, partly because they look so quirky and mischievous and they always seem to smile. So pictures and videos of them always make me smile.
Which Hogwarts professor is your favorite?
McGonagall is such a badass, a truly great, strong female role model, and with a great sense of humor too! (Also, Maggie Smith is the boss!) I do adore Dumbledore as well, though.
Why did you choose to study English?
Well, I’d been seriously pursuing music for a couple of years after high school, and when I hit a dead end in that, I decided it maybe wasn’t a bad idea to get a university education after all. I thought English was a strong area for me since I’d learned it already at kindergarten and completed my compulsory education in an English-speaking class, so I had a history with the language. I got in, and even though I sort of picked my major at random (read: what is semi-interesting and semi-easy to get in), I’ve really enjoyed my time here! I’ve also found new areas of interest within the scope of the English language, so it didn’t end up being a bad choice.
Favorite song of the moment?
Florence + The Machine: How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful. That brass arrangement at the end!
Any guilty pleasures?
Starting my Christmas hype around September. That means listening to Christmas music, browsing Christmas-themed Tumblr pages and so forth. My mom has always cherished Christmas and its traditions and made our Christmases happy, warm and special. I think that has instilled a deep love for Christmas in me.
Worst pickup line?
Anything with the word “baby” in it. If you don’t know me, don’t baby me!