While the beauty of Instagram is that it is like a digital album that you are carrying with you, it has obviously become so much more: a media platform of inspiration and amusement where there are different types of blogs that serve your interests and aesthetic eye with specific themes – or are just funny. (Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean influencer blogs.) Your feed then becomes much more interesting and you don’t have to browse much and find blogs to follow elsewhere on the internet; it is all in your Insta. If you’re open to bringing more variety to your feed, here are some suggestions of blogs to check out.
Art History Details
An absolutely lovely blog that is simply about what the names says: art history in the details. It is never too late to start your art education – even to a smaller extent – and lucky for the interested, it can also be done on Instagram. This blog posts artworks by cropping details from them and finishing the photo series with a picture of the whole piece. It is especially perfect for those who really do enjoy and like to focus on the details since they might signify much more than the viewer might think.
The New Yorker Cartoons
The New Yorker’s cartoons, while often focusing on portraying aspects of American culture, also have more generally good-humored and satirical pieces that are amusing. They are either just very funny for the sake of it, or amusing as well as poignant about navigating through everyday life. This past year and half, for example, many illustrators have also contributed drawings relating to Covid and its effects.
This blog not only has a lovely looking feed, with writings and artworks, but it also introduces you to a diverse, international poetical community. Reading poetry can be either a bewildering or a profound experience, but you can also just enjoy or find inspiration in the interesting imagery.
Penguin Classics
What is nicer than seeing a collection of books or how a cover would look in your shelf or on your coffee table? Penguin produces some of the loveliest covers to incredible classics, and while the point is really just the effort that is put into their appearance, the books might also inspire to explore the literature and read the works. (You could then also check Penguin Books.) A small warning though: your “to be read” list might grow.
This blog is an amazing collection of small profiles of remarkable and influential people. Artists, writers, scientists, politicians; some of their most beautiful and fascinating thoughts are shared which can only broaden one’s perspective on life. Profundity at its best and brightest.
Texts From Your Existentialist
One of the most amusing blogs to combine art and modern culture where sometimes, it feels like we have just communicated our deepest thoughts via text. This blog resembles an experiment in artistic thought, but it should also not be taken too seriously and, instead, enjoyed for the bizarre existentialism.
Now many of us have probably made the resolution to be less on social media which is understandable due to its undeniable negative effects. But if you ever contemplate it, you can change what you see and what appears on your feed by being mindful of what and who you follow – which might automatically induce you to browse less and check out what you have possibly learned or been inspired by. You can then make browsing through something like Instagram, for example, much more pleasant.