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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Helsinki chapter.

If you are single and dreading one of the most exalted holidays of the year – Valentine’s Day – to remind you that you are once again single, do not freak out! In fact, enjoy it! This holiday does not have to be the same sad, bitter, pity party as you usually make it out to be.  

This Valentine’s, make a commitment to show love to one of the people in your life that you should love the most – yourself. Use this day to pamper yourself; to go on a date with the most interesting person you know: you.                                                                                                                                     

How often do you forget to take some time off to clear your mind? To have some “me time” every now and then? Can you even remember the last time you gave yourself permission to relax? There is no need to be constantly stressed out; your worth does not rely on your productivity, on your busyness, the number of hours you work, or the frequency of free time you enjoy. Thus, take advantage of this holiday to take some time off, to treat yourself. Remove the negative connotation of this day and start seeing it as something you look forward to. Make a commitment to look at it as a rest day, the one you so urgently need.

In addition, why do we consciously try to be kind to others, but are often our worst enemies? Make sure to put the same effort when it comes to you. You deserve kindness and self-compassion. Stop being so hard on yourself. Always remember that self-love is important. If you are supposed to celebrate love on this day, then celebrate the one you have for yourself! That is certainly always worth celebrating.

What can you do on Valentine’s Day, then? You can go to that museum or art gallery that you have always wanted to check out, but never have the time to go to. Museums can be incredibly relaxing; whilst you focus on the exhibition, your problems will seem distant. What about going to a charming park? Bring a book or have a picnic. Or maybe go to the cinema? There are always interesting movies that you would like to watch. You can also try out a new café or restaurant! While you are there, call your best friend! Or be a tourist in your own city – visit a place you have always said you wanted to go to. If you are not feeling like going outside, why not start watching a new exciting series, or do some exercise? If you are feeling cosy, put on some nice pyjamas and write a list of things you love about yourself; recognize how far you have come.

The point is: do whatever makes you happy. Do what brings you calm and joy. At the end of the day, realize that you are the person you need the most. You deserve going on a little fun date with yourself! You are worthy of happiness, but do not forget – that happiness will not come from having a boyfriend/girlfriend. Your happiness will never depend on that, but rather, on you. Being single does not have to be the tragedy that others so often write – you can still go on dates with yourself! Learn how to be on your own – that is a hard task. If you can’t be alone with yourself, who can you be with? In the words of the wise RuPaul, “If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love somebody else?”.

Madalena Ricardo is a Portuguese student at the University of Helsinki. Torn between two countries (and some more). Passionate about writing. Interested in saving the world.
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