Time to say ‘See you soon’ to summer!
It is finally fall and besides ‘back to business’ for the most of us, it also means that Her Campus at Helsinki will continue publishing articles about interesting topics and every aspect of student life! We will kick off the semester with some motivational back-to-school articles, and continue on the path of life-style, feminism, internationality and more!
New semester means new beginnings, but HC Helsinki will carry on under the gentle care of the same Campus Correspondents we had last semester. This fall we will discuss at least studying in Finland, historical women and self-care. We hope to be able to bring you varied articles and help you through the study-filled semester while relying on our strong points: quality, variation and good mood!
To keep yourself informed and entertained, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, where we will post links to our current articles.
If you are interested in joining us, do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail helsinki@hercampus.com! We are always looking for enthusiastic writers, photographers and social media contributors!
We hope that the semester ahead of us will be at least as exciting as the previous one!
Stay tuned!
the Campus Correspondents at HC Helsinki
Photo by Anna Tukhfatullina Food Photographer/Stylist from Pexels