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Pick It or Skip It: Freshman Move-In Tips

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at High Point chapter.

As move-in day looms upon us, upperclassmen are beginning to organize their assortment of apartment supplies scattered throughout their homes. Freshmen, however, are lost and scrambling to find the perfect dorm accessories, must-haves, and figuring out how everything is going to be able to fit into their parents Prius. I remember my summer before freshmen year and facing the daunting task of packing up my entire life into my mom’s car (thankfully she has a SUV). What to bring, what to wear, and what to leave behind were constant worries on my mind before departing for my new life at High Point. So to ease some of the stresses experienced as you’re trying to decide just how many pairs of shoes to bring and whether or not to buy that extra large white board-cork board combo, here is a list of things you should include and what to leave behind:

1. Shoes:
You can never underestimate a good pair of shoes. EVER. From sandals to brightly-colored rainboots to that fabulous pair of wedges you just bought, college gives you an excuse to wear them all! As a girl this is something that I would never consider leaving behind. With a broadening social life and different opportunities around campus you’ll need a different pair for every occasion. Not to mention if you and your roomie are the same size then you’ll always have a cute pair for every outfit.

2. School Supplies:
Yes, I know that college is a time to explore new horizons and do crazy things that will be passed down into even crazier stories told to your future children but we do still need to go to class. Buying notebooks, pens, highlighters, and whatever else you need to stay organized and prepared is generally cheaper at somewhere other than the university bookstore. Before leaving home just take a quick run to Staples and you’ll be thankful you won’t have to bother with it later.

3. Ironing Board/Iron:
Wrinkled clothing doesn’t look good on anyone. Unlike some other schools students at High Point like to dress nicely and look presentable for class so if you come strolling in with wrinkles galore you will stick out. Ironing that shirt before you leave for class doesn’t take that long and you never know who you’re going to meet on your way out. For people with limited car storage space you can even get mini-ironing boards that are practical and easily storable.

4. All Weather Clothing:
A lot of people assume that going to school in North Carolina guarantees them only one season: summer. So not true. North Carolina does get all four seasons quite distinctly and the weather will change on you from the time you walk into class to the time you leave. Don’t underestimate the importance of at least a light coat in the winter (it’s shocking to think I know, but NC does get snow sometimes), raingear for the spring, and a bikini for when it gets warm and you want to go to the pool.

5. Photographs and Wall DĂ©cor:
College is the first time in your life that you’re not living with your family and as cheesy as it sounds there are going to be times you miss them. Having photos of your family and close friends from home can be a great way to curb homesickness and brighten up your space. Another idea that many don’t think of is to bring some empty frames to fill with all the memories you’ll make with the new people in your life. Don’t forget about your walls either! After a while you will get tired of looking at blank walls so spicing it up with posters, pictures, or artwork will keeps things interesting. The great thing about college is that your parents aren’t dictating what you can and can’t put up in your room. If you want to cover your side of the room with movie posters, go for it! If you have an awesome tapestry that you always wanted above your bed and your parents wouldn’t let you now’s your chance to hang it up. It’s your space so personalize as much as you want.


Live Without:

6. Obnoxious cooking supplies:
While I’ll admit it might be helpful once in a while to have a plate or bowl lying around your dorm please feel free to leave the blender, baking pan, and whisk with Mom. Let’s be honest, assuming you know someone with a kitchen are you really going to go make a spontaneous batch of brownies? If you’re really craving a snack then just go to the café like everyone else or if you must be domestic and can find an oven try the pre-cut ones from Pillsbury.

7. Throw Pillows:
Personalizing your dorm is so much fun! You should totally feel free to mix up your décor and make your little box of a freshman year dorm feel like home. I’m all for cute decorations but I draw the line at 1,000 throw pillows. Save them for when you a) get a bigger bed b) aren’t sleeping with your bed elevated three feet off the ground and c) don’t have the possibility of surprise guests on the weekend. They will get thrown to the floor when you come home late and chances are you’re going to get tired of taking them on and off your bed every day. 

8. Futon and/or Unnecessary Furniture:
I can speak from experience here that the students who take part in Orientation Crew love meeting new freshmen and really don’t mind bringing your stuff to your room for you. We understand that college is a big transition and we’re there to make it go more smoothly for you and your parents. HOWEVER, this courtesy and happy demeanor does not extend to those freshmen who think bringing a futon or other huge pieces of furniture is a good idea. Behind our smiling faces and peppy steps we secretly hate you for making us haul this type of crap. First of all, there’s no room for it in most of the freshmen housing options. Second, if you do have an apartment freshmen year, it comes furnished. And lastly, pretty much every floor has a lounge for the halls’ use and thus you should go socialize there and meet the people you’ll be spending the year living around.

9. White Board:
Every college TV show and movie makes it seem like whiteboards are the main form of communication in dorms. Yet, they’re really more of a nuisance than anything. They tend to fall off doors if they’re not secured properly. They also increase your chance of seeing random drunken messages on your door Sunday morning from someone who passed by your room the previous evening (morning?). While occurrences like this is part of why living in a dorm is so much fun, it can get tedious after the first ten obscene drawings.

10. Vast Amounts of Food:
Want to know the best way to avoid the Freshmen 15? Don’t bring an insane amount of food to snack on when you get bored. Bringing some things that are easy to grab on your way to class in the morning is essential (you’d be amazed how much a Nutrigrain bar can help you through an 8am) If you do feel the need to bring a bin of snacks with you then please make sure they’re healthy. It’s really easy to slip into bad eating habits in college and nothing will make you not feel and look your best then an unhealthy obsession with chips and candy.
There are countless other things that could be on this list but from my experience these are the most common things that people either wish they had or wish they had left at home. Freshmen year is full of exciting things for you to experience and moving into your dorm is just the tip of the iceberg! Have fun with it but remember to be reasonable with the amount of space you have in your car and in your room. Happy packing!


Images via http://www.lifeguardpress.com/blog/2012/08/back-to-school-with-lilly-pul… & http://blog.dormify.com/diy/diy-unique-throw-pillows

Christina Buttafuoco is a sophomore Communications-Journalism Major with a minor in English Writing at High Point University. She is a sister of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority, a lover of musicals, and an avid viewer of the Food Network. Christina grew up on Long Island, NY and headed down south to North Carolina during those awkward middle school years. Before she moved, her best friend ripped out pages from a fashion magazine and told her not to forget what fashion was. She didn't. Now Christina hopes to be an editor for one of those magazines one day. For now, she is so excited to bring Her Campus to HPU.