If you saw the “Sh!t Girlfriends Say” YouTube video, you catch the chick say a few things about Facebook. Basically, at this moment in time, our lives revolve around Facebook. Honestly, if you and your boyfriend have a “perfect” relationship then there’s no sense reading this article. But if I may say so myself, there’s NO such thing as a perfect relationship…therefore read on to find out why.
So you happened to scroll onto your boyfriends Facebook page just to do a little creeping, and you come across his recent activity. If he’s like most guys, OF COURSE you find something you don’t like. Say you catch your boyfriend liking a picture. And not just any picture but…wait for it…a picture of ANOTHER GIRL! At this point about four hundred and eighty two things are running through your head. “Who is this slut?” “Is she prettier than me?!” “How does she know my boyfriend?”
Of course you try and have a normal convo with him after seeing this, but the only thing that is on your mind is that picture of that creature…that I guess you would call a girl. The conversation is fine until you feel you just have to say something, but you know you can’t come across pissed. You approach him with “Babe, no big deal obviously, but who is that girl in that picture you liked ?” He then responds getting all defensive like “She’s just a friend blah blah you can’t tell me what to do.” Umm…okay easy tiger, I was asking a simple question about who this girl is.. calm yourself. Basically, a fight erupts from you doing your job as a girlfriend, which is creeping.
1. Facebook official or not?
Yeah we creep, so what? Though everyday may seem fine and dandy in the Facebook world, there’s always something that girlfriends aren’t going to like. Unfortunately, this moment in time most of our lives evolve around Facebook. I mean we get half our gossip from this freaking site! You decide to make it official, we see it. You break up, we see it. That is, unless your dating that type of guy that doesn’t want to be Facebook official. HA story of our lives. The big question is why won’t he go Facebook official? This type of guy usually responds with something like, “I just don’t need people knowing my business.” Yeah right.. you just don’t want any of your little college girlfriends knowing. Well guess what pal? That’s not how it works with me.
2. A picture is worth a thousand words
It’s Saturday morning, you wake up hungover as hell and all you want is water and your laptop. You go on Facebook to find clues on how your Friday night went, as well as just creep. Of course your number one page to creep is your boyfriends. You get on his page to see that he is tagged in new pictures.. and he seems to be a little friendly with this girl. As the album continues you realize OH SNAP he has his arm around this girl. YEAH I GOT OVER A THOUSAND WORDS ABOUT THI PICTURE ALRIGHT. You calmly approach your boyfriend…scratch that, screw being calm. You attack your boyfriend and he gives you the excuse “Boo I was drunk, she is just a friend.” Yeah I’ll believe that when a guy put his arm around me and doesn’t make a move.
3….the INBOX.
The one major private thing that you have within your Facebook is your inbox. This holds the oldest and possibly flirtiest messages you share with people.
So your boyfriend comes over and forgets to log out of his Facebook on your laptop. There it is… logged in your computer…staring at you. You can’t help but snoop…just a little or maybe a lot. But ladies, take a huge gulp when doing so because what you’re about to see you may not like.
But a friendly reminder, ALWAYS LOG OUT! Say that hot baseball player from ethics class Facebook chats you…well, lets just say you wouldn’t want just anyone seeing that conversation.
4. “Like” it and die
Keep in mind that half the things you see on Facebook that upset you usually mean nothing at all. But being the so called “psycho” girlfriends we are, it’s hard not to always blow things out of proportion. I mean it’s just like our job. So every picture, comment, status, or wall post that he likes is obviously taken into DEEP consideration. I mean if it’s a guy well who cares but as soon as he likes something that isn’t yours BOOM sh!ts going to hit the fan. I mean c’mon boys, why would you like her picture, or her wall post. Better yet, why is she even writing on your wall? #rude.
5. OMG Poke War!
Ew, like are we in the third grade where boys and girls have cooties? No. So why the heck is there even a button to “virtually” poke someone? I guess it is, in a sense, “flirting” in the Facebook world. Basically this “poking” business is a way to say, “Hi I think your cute but I’m shy.” Let’s face it…if a girl is poking your man well she is just pathetic and has no game.