If you’re in a sorority, it’s the most wonderful time of the year…Big/Little Week! The experience is very different depending what side of it you’re on, but that doesn’t make it any less enjoyable (but maybe more broke if you’re a Big.) Here are some dead giveaways on how to tell it’s BSLS week.
1. It looks like the fairy godmother threw up in your room.
Glitter is a girl’s best friend. It doesn’t matter if you’re the least girly person, suddenly glitter is a good idea.
2. Hobby Lobby has all your money.
It’s the black hole of crafting. Armed with a 40% coupon, there’s no telling what you leave with. And thank goodness they’re closed on Sundays, because that’s the only thing preventing you from going back.
3. You have 50 new Facebook friends….all with the name ‘Biggie.’
The best way to throw them off is by professing your love for your little all over the internet. Embarrassing profile pictures of your little are also a must.
4. You call everyone Little.
They don’t have names anymore. Shrieks of “LITTLEEE!” can be heard across campus, and every girl inevitably turns around.
5. Crafting is a verb.
“I crafted for 6 hours last night.”
“Wanna come over and craft?”
“I’m so sick of crafting.”
“I had a paper due but I stayed up until 5 crafting.”
You get the idea. It’s addicting.