Being a college student with a thirst to shop can be quite the struggle. The costs of textbooks, living expenses, food and everything else needed to get through the day, add up pretty quickly when you’re living on a tight budget. Having enough money to go clothes shopping on the weekends would be a dream come true. Luckily for us, there are plenty of stores that can make your dream a reality by offering a sweet student discount, with a valid student ID. Make sure you check out these stores the next time you’re bit by the shopping bug!
Alex and Ani, everyone’s favorite bangle bracelet store, offers a 10% discount.
Asos, the self-proclaimed one-stop fashion destination, also has a 10% discount.
Banana Republic offers a sweet deal of 15% off.
College students can score an amazing 20% off at Club Monaco.
Preppy students rejoice, J. Crew is offering you 15% off.
A 15% discount is up for grabs at Madewell.
Topshop is giving 10% off the latest trends.
Chipotle, Dairy Queen, Subway, Burger King, Chick-Fil-A, Buffalo Wild Wings, Domino’s, Papa John’s, Arby’s and Pizza Hut all offer some type of student discount, whether it be a free drink or a percentage off of your total. Discounts vary by location, so be sure to ask when making your purchase!