Hometown:Uniondale, NY
Relationship Status: Taken
What is your idea of a perfect first date? Seeing a stand-up comic or watching a romantic comedy movie, and a candle-lit Italian or seafood dinner. Then cuddle, whispering sweet nothings as we fall asleep in each other’s arms.
What is your dating pet peeve: Lack of manners; too dominant or passive in conversation.
How are you involved on campus? Game room junkie, Hofstra DDR champion, public safety special events, both bands, both orchestras, UChoir
Who are your favorite music artists? Silversun Pickups, Phoenix
Who is your favorite composer? Marty O’Donnell (Halo games)
What guilty pleasure artist would we find on your Ipod? Justin Bieber.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.