The semester is coming to a close which means the impending oncoming of finals and STRESS. In order to walk into that final feeling confident and ready to get that A you are going to want hit those books and put in a few hours studying. But along the way, you can’t forget to take care of yourself and make sure that you are taking snack breaks to stay fueled. Here is a list of the best snacks to keep you focused and full while studying for and taking your finals.
Fruit is the perfect snack for when you are craving something sweet. Any assortment will give you a sugar pick up without the inevitable crash that comes from other sugary snacks. Fruit is also great because it will keep you hydrated and is packed with vitamin C – which will give your immune system a much-needed boost after an all-nighter or two. And the best part is there is such a variety to pick from that you can snack on fruit all finals week and never get sick of it!
Photo courtesy of Viktor Hanacek
Nuts are great while studying or right before a final because they are packed with protein which means they will fill you up, and keep you feeling full for a long time. This snack is the perfect way to refuel and to keep your energy up. An extra benefit is that they are so easy to carry around and don’t go bad, so just throw a handful of nuts in a Ziploc bag and keep it in your backpack for whenever you are feeling a little fatigued. Â
Photo courtesy of Viktor Hanacek
Peanut Butter
Similar to nuts, peanut butter is packed with protein and will satisfy your hunger, but with an added bonus of being able to be eaten with so many different things. Whether you are spreading it across a piece of whole grain toast or dipping in pieces of celery or apples, peanut butter is a great addition to your finals week diet.
Photo courtesy of Steve BuissinneÂ
Protein Bars
Protein bars are the perfect grab and go snack for finals. Protein bars are designed to keep you full and focused, yet are also so convenient. No need to worry about preparing your own snack, just keep studying until the last second and then grab one to eat on the way! There are also a variety of brands and flavors to try, so there is no doubt that you will not be disappointed by protein bars this finals week.
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Whole Grain Cereal
It’s obviously important to have a filling breakfast to prepare you for everything you need to do throughout the day, but cereal also serves as a great snack. Cereal is something that you can munch on in the late hours of the night while studying without having to feel bad about calories. The carbs in the whole grains will fuel your body to keep going yet is light and won’t make you feel sluggish.
Photo courtesy of Yvens Banatte
Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate contains antioxidants and increases blood flow which is great for brain activity. Dark chocolate with high concentrations of cacao has been proven to have a positive affect on stress levels and memory. This sweet treat speaks for itself, but also obviously is delicious and should hopefully bring you a little happiness when you snack on it – with moderation of course!
Photo courtesy of Karolina Grabowska
Popcorn is another snack that is great for late nights, popcorn is very low in calories and is 100% whole grain. This snack is great for when you might be eating just because you are bored with all the studying, or need to keep your mouth moving just to keep yourself awake.
Photo courtesy of Charles Deluvio
Your Favorite Food
It’s finals week and you are living in a world of stress. Obviously, you should let yourself indulge once in a while to keep your spirits up. Even if it isn’t the healthiest thing, it is important to maintain good mental health throughout, and your favorite snack can definitely help with that.
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While not a snack, probably the most important thing during finals week is to stay hydrated. Especially if you are drinking coffee, make sure you are drinking enough water throughout the day to combat coffee’s dehydrating qualities. Water will help you stay awake, energized, and keep your brain working properly.
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Above all, you know your body best. While finals season is stressful and you may be spending hours upon hours studying and writing essays it’s important to make sure you are still listening to your body and feeding it. It may seem like a good idea to get hyped up on coffee and sugary snacks or binge a lot of fatty and greasy food as a reward, your later self is going to crash and regret those choices. Stick to food that makes you feel good, and eat a little bit every few hours and you’ll be ready to crush that final!