Three cheers for Friday! Another week down, and only one more until spring break, and I’m feeling good. This week was a little bumpy emotionally and I’m still adjusting to my new schedule, but nonetheless I have been in a great mood! So let’s get into my week in fitness!
Here’s me this week in PINK leggings and a Target sportsbra.
My Workouts By Day:
TUES: 2 hr soccer practice (cardio)
THURS: 30 min yoga abs via YouTube
FRI: *If soccer is canceled from snow. 15 min elliptical, 10 min stretch, 10 min squats on smiths machine (5 sets, 10 reps 125 lbs), 10 min stairmaster, 10 min abs
This week I reached the workout goals that set for myself every week. Everything went well, no bumps in the road at all besides trying to adjust to my new exercise times. I ate pretty healthily to make up for all of the sweets and heavy foods I had over the weekend when I traveled to DC! I had two cups of regular coffee and drank at least 8 glasses of water a day. My sleep schedule was a little screwy because of the traveling, but it only took a day to get back into my minimum 7 hours a night.
As far as mental health goes, my anxiety was a little rocky at the beginning of the week. I used some of the coping techniques I’ve been learning in therapy and nipped it in the bud! With spring break coming up, I have been using the idea of relaxing as motivation to keep pushing through.
Fitstagram of the Week:
Photo By infitinhealth via Instagram
This is Ellyn! She is a blogger, fitness instructor, and nutritionist specialist. She also has a super motivating and inspirational Insta! Give her a follow this weekend.
Gym Must-Have for the Week:
Photo By Downwarddye via Instagram
I have been wanting one of these to wear during yoga for SO LONG! Each garment is all-natural and indigo dyed all sold on the Downwarddye Etsy shop. Definitely, a unique piece to add to your gym wardrobe!
Healthy Treat of the Week:
Photo By drinkbai via Instagram
These are delicious energy drinks that only have 5 calories per serving,1 gram of sugar, and about the same amount of caffeine as a cup of green tea. I love these because I have a sweet tooth and if I’m craving a sugary drink, I’ll have one of these because there is so little sugar in each bottle. My favorite flavor is Brasilia Blueberry! I’ve never felt jittery from the caffeine in the drink like I usually do with coffee. Keep in mind that one bottle is around 2 servings so double the nutrition facts when you are going to drink the whole thing!
That is it for Fitness Friday this week, thank you for reading. Have a good weekend, and don’t forget to love yourself!
DISCLAIMER: I am in NO way a fitness professional or a nutritionist, I just put a big focus on health and nutrition in my life and want to share what works for me.