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How to Survive A Long Flight This Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

When people think of spring break, they think of the beach they’re going to lie on, the drinks they’re going to be pounding, and the flawless tan they’ll be coming back to school with. Everyone seems to forget the long hours on an uncomfortable plane that must first be endured in order to reach their desirable destination. We’re here to give you some tips and tricks to make your flight a little more bearable!

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Be On Time to De-stress

Airports are known for their craziness, but there are some things you can do to make the experience a little less stressful. Plan out your trip so that you are on time without feeling rushed. Enjoy a nice meal before you leave. You don’t want to be overwhelmed from check-in before you even start your trip.


Keep Yourself Busy

If you’re in for a long flight, you’re bound to get bored. Make sure you can keep yourself occupied for the long haul. Bring a book, listen to music, watch a movie, or even take advantage of the time to get some work done. The flight will go by a lot quicker if you’re busy!


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Always Have Headphones on You

Headphones will SAVE YOUR LIFE on a flight! Whether you are listening to music or a Podcast, watching a movie, or even just for the appearance of not wanting to be disturbed, headphones will make or break your trip. These are your babies. Don’t forget them!


Make Sure Everything is Charged

Double check that all your devices are fully charged before you fly! Just to be safe, keep a portable charger on hand. You can’t keep yourself busy with music and movies if all your devices are dead.


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Keep It Comfortable

While you might be tempted to travel in style, you’ll be thankful for the pair of sweats you threw on last minute. Keep your clothes loose and layered so that you can adjust to the temperature. If you’re already going to be squished on a plane, you might as well make your outfit as comfortable as you can!


Pack Snacks

Being hungry on the plane is just going to make the experience a lot more unbearable. While planes sometimes provide free snacks, it might not be enough to hold you over. Food may be purchased on board, but the prices are usually not worth what you’re getting. Pack your own snacks, and save your money for when you actually reach your destination.


Bring a Pillow & Sleeping Aids

If flying stresses you out, your best bet is to sleep through it. Whether you need to relieve some anxiety or adjust your body to the different time zone, sleeping pills come in handy. Again, you don’t want to start your trip off exhausted.


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Be Respectful

For most people, flying is the least favorite part of any trip. You’re not the only one trying to make the flight as painless as possible, so keep others in mind. Whether it’s keeping your music low or not leaning your chair all the way back, being respectful will make the trip a lot better for everyone on board.

Jersey girl. Senior Accounting major at Hofstra University. Treasurer for Hofstra's Her Campus chapter. Raven loves entertainment, fashion, and fitness, and has a true passion for journalism. Be sure to check out her favorite form of social media, Pinterest: /ravenjtak