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I Started Volunteering During Quarantine and You Can Too

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

With the insane amount of free time on my hands lately, I’ve been trying to find things to keep myself busy. Instead of blowing through shows on Netflix and baking enough cookies to feed an army, I wanted to do something to help. I’ve felt so helpless during a time when the world is in so much need. I went on the hunt for any type of remote volunteer opportunity and I stumbled across the perfect match. Changing The Present is a nonprofit organization that supplies access to any nonprofit or charity you could possibly think of. They cover all sorts of causes, including animal rights, LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, hunger, poverty and climate change. It’s designed specifically to replace the millions of dollars spent each year on birthday and holiday gifts. Each year we just get more “stuff” that gets thrown away in a year or two. This way, we can put that money towards causes that really need it. 

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Toni Reed / Unsplash

There are so many ways to get involved with this organization, including volunteering, interning, donating and being a campus ambassador. There are also many different fields in which to volunteer and intern, including PR, media, business, marketing and many more. You can also just pick a cause you feel passionate about and focus on that. Being a campus ambassador allows you to create a platform for Changing The Present at your school and help spread the cause.

We Don\'t Have Time
Markus Spiske- Unsplash

This organization is such an incredible way to build your online presence and advance your resume. It also just helps with coping during this awful situation our world is currently mixed up in. It’s a way to feel useful while still social distancing. It is possible to still be useful, even remotely and during quarantine. Volunteering doesn’t have to be another thing that COVID-19 has taken away from us. Being helpful and doing good should never be a thing that can be taken away from us, not even during a pandemic. Changing The Present has created the perfect opportunity to gain intern experience and make a difference.

one world sign
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

If you’re sick of sitting on your couch, go to changingthepresent.org and do something good and productive.

Hello! I'm a Sophomore at Hofstra University, double majoring in Journalism and Dance. I love coffee and peanut butter with a passion. I have lots of opinions and love writing about pretty much anything, so I hope you enjoy what I've got to say!