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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

Finals season is upon us. This means countless hours of studying, reading, preparing projects and more. Sometimes you need a change of scenery every once in a while to stay productive during this busy time of year. Taking a train into the city is the best way to get that change of scenery. Here is a list of study spots, in no particular order, that you should try in New York City this finals season!

  1. Think Coffee – 73 8th Ave 

If you are looking for a chill quiet study spot, this is the place to be. This coffee shop offers everything from sandwiches to lattes at a reasonable price. Think Coffee has a lot of comfortable seating, which is good for a longer study session. The further back you go into the building, the quieter it gets. Everyone that is there is studying or doing work. If you need some background noise, sitting towards the front of the cafe is perfect for that. That is where people are meeting with each other and conversing more. This West Village spot is always highly recommended as a studying spot!

  1. Slate Cafe Midtown – 941 2nd Ave 

Slate Cafe is another great cafe study spot. This spot offers both indoor and outdoor seating, and with it being a popular cafe, there is some background noise. There is different seating such as booths and high top tables. Slate Cafe’s menu offers everything from breakfast to salads to desserts. The only downside with this study spot is they close at five in the afternoon every day. If you are an early riser, it would be perfect for you because they open bright and early at seven-thirty in the morning. Overall, this spot is perfect for a midday bite to eat and study session. 

  1. The Commons – 157 East 86th Street

In the Upper East Side, there is this gem upstairs in a storefront building. Downstairs, there are stores such as Foot Locker, Verizon, Steve Madden and more, but as you enter the building and go upstairs, you are greeted with a clean workspace with many different seating options. From professional desks, to tables and chairs, to couches. To use this space, a membership or a day pass is required as these are all professional office spaces that people and companies rent out. Memberships can range from one hundred ninety five dollars per month to three thousand three hundred dollars per month, depending on the type such as part-time to five or more people offices, typically rented by a company. However, a day pass is only thirty five dollars, and no reservation is required. Although this is not the cheapest study spot, it is nice to work in a professional environment. 

  1. St. George Coffee – 74 7th Ave S 

Just outside of Washington Square Park sits this small cafe named St. George Coffee. This cafe may look small on the outside, but it offers a lot of different seating options both inside and outside. You can get a fresh baked good to snack on while studying, or a sandwich. They also have different coffees as well. This spot is great to get studying done during the day as well as people watch! There are many windows in the cafe, allowing for so much natural light to come in. Although this spot can get busy, there is always a seat available to sit and study! 

  1. Ground Central Coffee Company – 155 East 52nd Street

This cozy spot in Midtown is just one of many locations Ground Central Coffee Company has in New York City. Many people enjoy this spot because it has a cozy vibe to it, as well as it has a good balance of background noise and quietness for studying. With hours extending to seven at night on weekdays, this spot is good for late afternoon studying. 

  1. New York Public Library – 476 5th Ave

Located in Bryant Park, the New York Public Library is a great, quiet place to get work done. Not only is this building rich in history, but each research division offers study spots. This library is busy, but because it is a library visitors are respectful of those who are trying to focus. This spot is great if you thrive in an environment where others are around you also working and being productive. 

  1. About Coffee – 445 Columbus Ave 

About Coffee has a few locations in New York, but their most popular is the one right outside of Central Park. This location has a lot of seating, both indoor and outdoor. There is also a lot of greenery and bright colors, which is very aesthetically pleasing. This cafe is very chill and is yet another great place to study and get work done! 

Any of these places have pros and cons to them, you just have to find the environment you thrive in the most to study! The city has a lot to offer, and a lot of different places to try, these are just some of the hundreds of study spots in New York City.

Evelyn Toennes is a current sophomore studying music business. She is from Connecticut, but loves New York and everything the state has in store for her. Follow her instagram @evelyntoennes