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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

To the Tinder Boys: What NOT To Do

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

We all know how the dating world has changed. Hookups, one-night-stands, cuffing, and, as we know even better, #swipelife.

Never heard of it? We’re talking about Tinder, one of the biggest dating apps in the world, boasting 57 million users.*

With swiping comes great responsibility, and it can be hard to know when to Swipe Left and when to Swipe Right. Sometimes the guy has a dog, but no car. Sometimes his occupation says “entrepreneur,” but he never went to college. But, sometimes, there’s big no-no’s that are an automatic left swipe. So, boys, HC Hofstra has compiled a comprehensive list of the dos and don’ts for your profiles.


Trust us, you’ll want to take notes.

Swipe Left

“Quoting The Office in any capacity.”

“If you have the quote ‘you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take – Wayne Gretsky Michael Scott.’ I like The Office, but not that much.”

The Office references.”

“Only shirtless pics.”

“Really poorly shot selfies.”

“There’s a girl in your first two photos.”

“You’re literally holding a gun.”

“You used the Snapchat dog filter.”


“If you say anything about ‘ruining my life.’”

“Your mouth is full of marbles.”

“Fish pictures.”


“Why are you holding a fish?”

“Pictures with fish.”

“What’s up with all the fish?”

Swipe Right

“You’re doing something adventurous.”

“A picture with a dog. Not just a picture of a dog.”

“If you mention your favorite book in your bio.”

“Your bio actually makes me laugh.”

“I want to see your hobbies.”

“A quirky pic always gets extra points for me.”

“If you have pictures that weren’t all clearly taken by your mom.”

And finally, some words of advice from the ladies looking at your profiles.

“Don’t send unsolicited ‘pics,’ if you know what I mean. Especially if she says ‘no.’”

“Saying something sexual as soon as we match? An automatic no from me.”

“Take a second to genuinely read her messages.”

“Fellas, stop messaging girls saying you wanna ‘make music’ or ‘collab’ with them artistically. We’re not dumb, we know exactly what you’re trying to do.”

“Don’t use weird or very forward sexual pick-up lines as a first message. You’re not going to get anywhere.”

“Please, please, stop posing with fish.”


We’re all about being yourself online, but next time you’re living the #swipelife, keep these things in mind. Hope you took notes, there will be a test.


*Statistics courtesy of https://www.businessofapps.com/data/tinder-statistics/

Madison Mento is a senior at Hofstra University and is majoring in Public Relations with minors in Spanish and Photography. She is a writer, artist, activist, and avid ginger. She likes her coffee iced, her pizza hot, and anything to do with beauty. She is currently the Co-President of Her Campus Hofstra and loves the organization!