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Executive Elections Successful

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hollins chapter.


This week’s executive elections ended on Wednesday to great success. After speeches and questions on Tuesday night after senate, students filed in and out of Moody all day to vote. Because of speeches, Tuesday’s senate had a greater turn-out than normal, much to the excitement of those already involved in student government. Highlights from speeches included SGA Presidential candidate Georden West dancing.

Polls opened with breakfast onWednesday morning, and students started voting bright and early. Per the SGA bylaws, none of the candidates worked the polls or loitered nearby. Bylaws state that electoral candidates cannot stand within fifteen feet of the polls, except to vote themselves. Candidates are also not allowed to tell people to vote for them specifically, although they may remind people to vote. According to current SGA Secretary Christine Somersett, this ensures that all candidates have a fair chance and that no one is pressured into voting for someone, but all students can freely choose who they would like to vote for.

The election results were announced through the Hollins tradition of Step Singing, where current SGA members gather on the front steps of Cocke and sing the names of the winning candidates. For this year’s executive elections, we did not go into run-offs, which is what happens if one candidate does not recieve 50% plus one of the vote (to win a run-off, a candidate merely needs a simple majority). This year’s winners are: Georden West, SGA President; Mercury Hipp, SGA Vice President; Jentry Cambell, SGA Secretary; and Molly Budd, SGA Treasurer. Congratulations to all the winners.

Hopefully, campus will see the same enthusiasm in next weeks 2014-2015 class elections.