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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

Dear high school self, 

Right now, you’re probably wondering if you chose the right college and whether you’ve made any lasting friendships. But here’s the truth: everything has a way of falling into place. Let me tell you about my first month here. 

When I arrived at Holy Cross, I immediately felt at home. Maybe that was a bit of an overstatement, but in this first month, the campus has been everything I had hoped it would be. Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty I still miss from home— my parents, sisters, and especially my dogs. But I’m still confident this school was the right fit for me. 

My first week was tough. Being homesick, it was hard to get any sleep for a few nights. But things got easier once I realized I wasn’t going home anytime soon and needed to embrace my time here. The homesickness feeling never left, but it’s becoming more manageable.

Academically, I’ve definitely faced many challenges. I knew college would be an adjustment, but I didn’t fully grasp just how much. Whether it’s forgetting to cite something properly or the simple feeling that I could’ve done better on an assignment, I’ve struggled to feel like I’m succeeding here. Fortunately, having two older sisters in college has helped me understand that this is normal. My current goal is to keep trying my best and to ask for help when I need it.

On the social aspect of this, I’ve been enjoying myself. I’ve really enjoyed the people I’ve surrounded myself with and balancing school with a social life hasn’t been as difficult as I had imagined. The weekends have been so much fun, but I’m learning to recognize when to take the breaks I need. Last weekend, I took some time to relax.  While I had a little FOMO seeing my friends go out, having a night doing nothing was exactly what I needed.

All in all, college has been a blend of successes and small bumps in the road, but I’m confident I’ll figure it out. So don’t worry about whether you’re in the right place—because you are right where you’re supposed to be.

Ari Goulet

Holy Cross '28

Hi everybody! I am Ari Goulet and I am a freshman at Holy Cross. I am from Amherst New Hampshire and I am planning on being either a bio or chem major on the premed track. Some of the things I enjoy doing in my free time are reading, cooking, working out and spending time with friends and family. I’m so excited to write for HerCampus this semester!