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Being Sick in College is Never The Vibe

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

To kick off the second week of second semester, my body decided to contract a massive head cold. To be fair, I could have gotten something worse like the Flu or Covid, but I was still pretty miserable. I spent all of Sunday and Monday in bed attempting to do homework but mostly resting. I took the hottest showers imaginable and had both my air purifier and humidifier on the maximum settings. Since it’s cold and flu season I wanted to share what I did to feel better, so maybe other people don’t have to call their mom seven times on a Sunday to complain and seek guidance. 

I know some people don’t want to hear this, but skip your classes. Email your professors, explain the situation, and I can assure you that 9/10 professors will take pity on you. If it means more time to rest and less time used up to go out and do things, your body will thank you. I also loaded up on vitamins because I wasn’t eating well. I wasn’t nauseous or anything, just not hungry. Make sure you have tea, oatmeal, and microwavable soups on hand in case that happens to you. I also drank about 120 ounces of water every day. That’s pretty normal for me, but I noticed the difference it made when I was extremely ill for four days straight.

Definitely make sure you have medicine stockpiled. I ran out of all of my cold medicine, fortunately towards the end of my illness, but it’s still frustrating. I have a cough/chest decongestant, Tylenol, Dayquil and Nyquil, as well as things like Vicks Vapor Rub and EmergenC. Just make sure you have a lot of what you usually need when you get sick!

I’m feeling better now, but my cough is still pretty terrible. I definitely was not sleeping well despite attempts to go to bed early and sleep in late. I’ll be spending this weekend in bed, fighting off the remnants of this cold. 

Rhiannon Dyment

Holy Cross '26

Rhiannon Dyment is a junior at Holy Cross. She is double majoring in English and Political Science with a concentration in Peace and Conflict Studies. Rhiannon wants to continue on to law school after graduation. Outside of HerCampus she is involved with the Holy Cross Admissions Office, the Holy Cross Pre-Law Society, Purple Key Society, Feminist Forum, Pink Gloves Boxing, and Sigma Tau Delta English Honors Society. Rhiannon loves dogs, warm weather, açaí bowls, and playing golf and pickleball.