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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

It is the start of December and a lot of you probably already have your Christmas wish lists already made but if you need more ideas I’m here to help hopefully!

  1. Perfumes 

Adding a good quality perfume to your list is a great idea for many reasons. One being that many people don’t want to send their own money on perfumes because they can be expensive. Also everyone loves smelling good so finding a good perfume that you love is a great gift to ask for this season. 

  1. A good quality winter coat 

During these winter months it is very very cold especially since we are in the northeast so having a good winter coat that is comfortable, cute and keeps you warm is a must. Most people often don’t think about putting a jacket on their Christmas list but a good quality coat is a must!

  1. Hair tools

Another good item to put on your list would be any sort of hair tool. This could be a curling iron, hair straightener or blowout brush. Everyone loves when they have a good hair day and getting a new hair tool is an amazing gift. This gift is perfect because you could upgrade from an old one or get a hair tool that you’ve always wanted to use. 

  1. Jewelry

This is a great gift because many people don’t buy jewelry or nice jewelry for themselves so the holidays are a perfect time to ask for a piece that you have been wanting. Jewelry can really be timeless and can last for a long time which makes it a perfect gift. If you’ve been eyeing a piece of jewelry for a long time but havent had the chance to get it for yourself, now’s the time to put it on your list.  

  1. Gift cards and money 

This once may seem boring but as college students we don’t have much money and getting gift cards or money can really be an amazing gift for the holidays. For me at least when I get a gift card I get so excited because I get to treat myself to something I’ve been wanting without feeling the guilt of my bank account decreasing. 

Samantha Geary

Holy Cross '28

Hello! I’m Samantha Geary and I’m from Lynnfield Massachusetts. I am a freshman at the College of the Holy Cross and I plan to major in Neuroscience. I love hanging out with my friends, my family, the beach, watching movies and trying new restaurants.