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Companies and Products You Should Avoid (For Ethical Reasons)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

Hobby Lobby

In 2014 the Burwell V Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. ruling in the Supreme Court decided that companies with religious objections may object to providing any sort of birth control. Yet through the Affordable Care Act birth control is a guaranteed coverage under insurance.

So why did this happen? The owners of Hobby Lobby stated it was against their religious beliefs to allow their employees to have access to birth control coverage.

Access to birth control is a critical human right that should not be decided based on the owner of the company you work for. Additionally, not only do most other insurance policies cover birth control, they provide access to free birth control.

The owners of Hobby Lobby took away this right from women for their religious beliefs, but what they don’t understand is birth control isn’t all about sex and preventing a child. It includes hormone pills that help regulate periods, reduce pain during periods, help acne, and reduce headaches. It is also commonly used for treating chronic diseases such as endometriosis. A large percentage of women take the pill for reasons other than contraception.

Hobby Lobby took away a fundamental women’s right, and they should not be supported.

Note: If someone is in need of birth control, Planned Parenthood and many other organizations are able to prescribe with little cost. 


Fairlife milk and dairy products brand themselves as a high quality milk that focuses on the welfare of their animals. However, new information came to light in 2019, showing milkers being violent towards the cows. There are videos showing them beating, stabbing, and branding them with a hot iron in the face.

Aside from the physical abuse they put the cows through, they also have horrible living conditions. They cows have a small pen with a small outdoor area barely big enough for the one cow. They live in these throughout the sweltering summers and the snowy winters, and these are the lucky cows. There are many others who are packed so tightly in a shed, they barely have room to move around.

Fairlife claims to have resolved this problem, but there is no evidence to support this.


L’Oréal has been using animal testing on their products for decades. The company publicly stated that they no longer use animal testing, yet it is evident that the ingredients they used are animal tested. Additionally, the company has gone against the ban in the EU for testing cosmetics on animals.

L’Oréal has taken steps to reduce their animal testing and are heading in the right direction, however, they still allow animal testing of their products.

Cracker Barrel

This old timey and homey feeling establishment actually has an extremely racist and homophobic history. The company has been know to fire their employees for not demonstrating “normal heterosexual values.” These workers were discriminated against because they did not seem straight and were fired because of a suspicion. This is an attack on human equality that should not be tolerated.

As if their homophobia wasn’t enough, their racist tendencies further prove why they should be avoided. In 2004 the U.S. Justice Department found that the restaurant had segregated their white customers from customers of color. Additionally, they would seat white customers before others, showing they had no intention of hiding their racism, and would openly disregard people of color. Finally, white servers were allowed to refuse to wait on black customers.

This is truly horrible, and disgusting that customers and workers receive different and worse treatment because of who they love, and the color of their skin. Cracker Barrel has racist and homophobic idealolgies that should never have been allowed to happen, especially in the twenty first century, and should be avoided.

Callie Gillan

Holy Cross '26

Callie is a current Junior at Holy Cross and is studying Political Science and Psychology. She loves writing about things she is passionate about and circumstances happening around her. In her free time she loves reading, trying new coffee places, and going to the beach.