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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

Are you looking for ways to make your dorm room feel more home-like? All of these products have helped me transform my dorm into a space that makes me feel comfortable and relaxed. With these items I can really make the most out of my dorm room, even in the little space I have in my forced triple room.

A Candle that Smells like Home

I am from Long Island, NY and while in the Hamptons I bought a candle that was called Out East and smelt like the drives I take every weekend with my family out east, no matter the season. I have this and smell it whenever I miss home. You may find one in a local shop by your house, or check out the company Homesick who makes many candles with scents of places. (P.S we technically can’t burn candles in dorms but I have it next to my bed and just smell it from time to time, or you can get an incense diffuser!)


Plants and Flowers

Having something fresh and alive in your dorm makes it feel so much nicer. You can get a succulent which is easy to take care of, or buy some flowers. I personally go to Trader Joe’s when I can and buy flowers to put on my desk and bedside. It brightens up the room so much and adds a pop of color.

Cute Simple Lights

Little lights above your bed to put on before you go to bed can create a super relaxed feel and calming vibe before you go to sleep. You can get hanging fairy ones, or simple string ones.

A Sleep Mask/Ear Plugs

This is a necessity for me, especially with 2 roommates. My favorite sleep mask is a Roller Rabbit one which seems to not be available online anymore, but I also recommend ones from Kitsch. A Silk one or a soft Cotton would be best.

White Noise Machine

I have grown up sleeping with a white noise machine, and I absolutely love it. It creates a relaxing vibe when you are ready for bed, and allows for your brain to know it’s time to sleep. It also helps muffle sound from roommates, outside, or in the hallway. Neither of my roommates used them before and now they both enjoy mine.

Stuffed Animals and Pillows

Stuffed animals are so cute to have on your bed. A fun idea is to get matching ones with someone you miss from home, whether it be your sibling, a S.O. or your friend group so you always feel connected! Also, throw pillows to make your bed more comfortable and even a body pillow to give you a buffer between the walls are great to have. I also have a plush backrest pillow for when I sit up in my bed.

A Headboard

Although I never got one, both of my roommates have headboards and they are so nice. You are not given one so there really is nowhere to lean up against in your bed, at least comfortably. Although the nicer ones may be a little pricier, they are worth it to use all 4 years.


Fan & Humidifier

Whether you have AC or not, you NEED a fan for the hotter months, and even in the cooler ones for proper air circulation. In the winter, I’d recommend a humidifier because the dry heat in many of the dorms from radiators can cause respiratory and skin issues.

Ashley Bunici

Holy Cross '26

Ashley Bunici is from Long Island, New York and is a Political Science Major and Disability Studies Minor, on the pre-law track. She loves to volunteer and be involved in clubs, spend time with friends and family, and travel.