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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

I have always heard amazing things about the Joyce Contemplative Center (JCC) throughout my time at Holy Cross. People rave about the food, the privacy, the views, the nature, everything. Yet somehow, I always made an excuse NOT to go on a retreat. “Oh, I don’t want to miss that weekend at school. Oh, I don’t want it to be too religious. Oh, I have too much going on.” Well, now as I sit at the JCC on the Study Retreat with only two and a half weeks left of college, I am kicking myself that I didn’t come sooner.

I have had the most amazing time here these past couple of days. I’ve done yoga, meditated, eaten delicious food, went for a run in the woods, read a book outside, and listened to the rain beat down on the roof of the chapel. I’ve eaten every meal alone, sat in secluded areas doing my work, only spoken a handful of times, and have taken time to be kind to myself.

There have been a lot of emotions with graduation quickly approaching and the real world knocking on my door. Emotions that I didn’t expect.

Taking this time to step away from the stress and craziness of campus and away from people saying “congratulations” or “good luck” or “goodbye, stay in touch,” has been exactly what I needed. I need to be ready to say goodbye to this phase of my life and close this chapter on my own time. Not because I picked up my cap and gown three weeks before graduation. Not because someone who doesn’t have finals is going home early and now is the last chance to say goodbye. And not because everything I am doing on campus is my last time doing it.

This is my first time at the JCC. Sure, it may also be my last, but the firsts are more important than the lasts.

Fiona Willette

Holy Cross '24

Fiona is a senior at Holy Cross studying physics and business. She is originally from Stamford, CT, but has loved spending her college years in Worcester. She is passionate about friends and family, cooking, being involved with campus and community activities as well as crossfit and working out. Her and fellow chapter member, Charlotte Keane, are so excited to be the Campus Correspondents this year!