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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

My entire high school career I felt I was destined to go to school in California. I always thought I needed to do something radical for college, really push myself. When I finally decided to attend Holy Cross in April of last year, I was even surprised by my own decision. I would only be a few hours drive from home, unlike all my friends who would be a plane ride away. With the proximity of my home, the smaller school size, and my sister being a rising junior, I thought I was choosing the most comfortable college route, so I would barely miss home.

Throughout all of high school, I never imagined I would be coming home from college anytime before Thanksgiving, and I did not think that would be a challenge whatsoever. Now, I am officially six weeks into the school year, yet I am ready to go home this weekend for fall break. Part of me does not want to admit that I am excited to be surrounded by the familiar streets of my town less than two months after I departed; I never expected to feel this way. 

I have thought of all the weird feelings I will get when I return home; Seeing faces I used to see every day that I now have not seen in months, driving past the same view I did every day on the way to school, and entering my room that is forever frozen in senior year. I love Holy Cross and feel like I picked the right school for myself, but the emotions that come with starting college are nothing like I expected.

Despite what it may seem like on social media or what your parents have told you your entire life, I believe it is possible to be happy at school while still feeling like you’re mourning your past slightly. I am excited for fall break, and I can now accept that this sentiment is completely normal.

Kelly Smith

Holy Cross '28

I’m Kelly and I’m from Ridgewood, NJ. I want to be a Political Science major. I love spending time with friends, reading, and a good movie night!!