I have been a procrastinator ever since I could remember. I knew doing things at the last minute wasn’t right, but I didn’t think too much of it since I could always get away with it. It wasn’t until a terrible semester that I realized I couldn’t continue like this, so I set out to adjust my study strategies. While I haven’t kicked the habit just yet, I found some tactics to work with it and be productive. If you are a fellow procrastinator, here are some strategies that I have found helpful:
1) Find a study spot that works
I get distracted pretty easily, so I’ve found that quiet, more isolated spaces work better. My personal favorite is the back part of science where there are these little enclosed desks.
2) Stay on top of your assignments with a calendar or a planner
If you’re not going to do something right away, at least you’ll know when the deadline for it is if it’s written down so you won’t be surprised. I have a monthly calendar in my room that I fill with all the important assignments and events going on, and it’s big so I can’t miss it.
3) Set up a study routine
Ideally this should be done as early in the semester as possible. Once you have a routine that works for you, it will feel so much easier to get into the groove since you’ll be used to working at certain times.
4) Take breaks
Don’t burn yourself out! Taking occasional breaks will help you feel refreshed and boost your focus.
5) Romanticize your tasks
A big reason why we put off tasks is because we think they’re tedious or boring. To motivate you to get stuff done, try pairing something fun with your task. For example, whenever I do schoolwork I listen to a classical music playlist and embody the dark academia aesthetic. Or when I clean my room I catch up on my favorite tv show.