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How to Stay Productive When You’re Not Studying

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

As a sophomore at Holy Cross I have learned that constant studying will only decrease your productivity and performance. However, as someone who strives for academic validation, I sometimes feel unproductive and lazy when I am not studying or getting ahead in my classes. I am sure many other students also have this feeling, and I have come to realize that taking breaks can still be productive. Incorporating wellness and self-care breaks into your schedule will help reduce burnout and stress, so here are my top ways to stay productive while also taking a break from school work. 

  1. Exercise

While this may seem obvious, going to the gym is a great way to take a break from classes and school because it’s productive and boosts your mood. I also recommend trying out different types of fitness classes or gym routines to see what works best for you. I personally love going to spin classes on campus twice a week. The playlists are always great (shoutout Gwen) and the 45 minute class allows me to focus on the workout and momentarily forget about anything I am stressing about. I usually try to break up my day by going to the gym, which allows me to be more productive and less stressed. Going on walks is another way to decompress while still being productive.

  1. Cleaning your dorm

Keeping your dorm room clean helps to also clear your mind, and can even be therapeutic for some people. My roommate and I usually do a Sunday reset so that we don’t have to worry about cleaning during the week. Some ways to clean your space include doing your laundry, cleaning your water bottles, wiping down your desk, and organizing miscellaneous things around your room. I always feel more productive when my room is clean and having a clean space has been proven to uplift one’s mood. 

  1. Schedule your week ahead

Something that my friends and I like to do is plan out our days or week ahead together. While some days are more laid-back and don’t need to be planned out, we find it helpful during the week to have a loose plan. For example, we’ll talk about the classes we have the next day and what we plan on doing after class. I also use the website “Notion” to organize my upcoming assignments and create a to-do list. Planning out my weekly assignments helps me stay productive and less stressed. 

  1. Make a playlist

I almost always listen to music when I am studying or doing homework. Creating study playlists is a productive way for me to spend time away from studying. I love finding new music to add to my playlists, and creating playlists based on certain moods. Currently I have been crafting a study playlist inspired by Gilmore Girls, since the show always reminds me of the fall and motivates me to study like Rory Gilmore. Listening to music in general is a great way to destress and take your mind off of school for a little while. 

While you don’t need to be productive every day in college (sometimes we all need a rot day), it is important to realize that you can incorporate productive habits into your routine that don’t include studying or doing schoolwork.

Lauren Piacentine

Holy Cross '27

My name is Lauren Piacentine and I am currently a sophomore at Holy Cross. I am majoring in English and Psychology on the pre-law track. I am from Newark, Delaware and I enjoy traveling, going to the gym, reading, and being around my family and friends. I am super excited for my first year writing for HerCampus!