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“It is normal to…” (College Edition)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

Coming to college is by no means meant to be a flawless transition. Social media may tell us otherwise, however, the reality of moving away from your family and settling into a new life isn’t meant to be picture perfect. 
It is normal to be homesick.

When I first moved away from home at fourteen to attend my boarding school, I cried everyday for two weeks straight calling my parents at least twice a day. I was incredibly homesick. Homesickness is tough. My best pieces of advice are to fill the walls of your room with pictures, provide yourself with good snacks, and call your family and friends often.  

It is normal for friendships to form over time.

No one comes to college and makes friends overnight. Considering we just arrived a little over a month ago, solid friendships take time. Never conform yourself for someone else, and understand that your people will come to you. 

It is normal to not be happy.

Just like every single day that we live isn’t sunshine and rainbows, college won’t be either. It is okay to have bad days. College doesn’t protect you from the realities of life. Try to implement acts of self-love on the days when it feels extra tough.

This too shall pass. Please understand that everyone is going through their own struggles. You got this!

Gabriella Lee

Holy Cross '28

Hi! My name is Gabriella (Ella) Lee and I am a freshman from Larchmont, NY which is a suburb of New York City. I am passionate about female empowerment and am a big advocate for mental health. I love attending concerts and trying new restaurants every new place I go. I have two younger brother and a golden retriever named Bowie.