When choosing a school, it was important for me to find a college that allowed me to explore options as to what I wanted to pursue as an academic major. I have had ideas of jobs that interest me, but have never really had a true definitive passion for any particular career. I always thought this was acceptable because everyone around me told me it was. My parents, siblings, cousins, highschool teachers….they would always say, “It’s OK if you don’t know and you don’t NEED to know just yet” whenever I would indicate that I wasn’t sure of a major, nevermind a career!
Arriving at school in the fall, I knew there would be plenty of people who were certain as to what they wanted to be. While I assumed some would definitively have their mind made up, I didn’t expect to feel as though I was the ONLY student on campus that didn’t have their whole life planned out at age 19. I thought I would find lots of people (especially freshmen) who were undecided like me, but I am struggling to find them. Further, I envy those who have a plan and feel good about it. I can’t wait to be in their shoes and I know eventually I will be, but right now, I feel far from that point.
If you are in the same boat as me, I want to be the voice to assure you that it is ok. I have had countless conversations with my mom with both upset and panicked emotions, even to the point of crying because I don’t know what I want to do with my life. Over all of these conversations, she always reassures me that that is normal!! I won’t lie, it’s hard to believe her when I seem to be around a lot of people who already have such a focus. It’s challenging, but I just have to keep believing that it will all work out and I will find my path eventually. My mom also reassures me that all those students that are “so sure” could very possibly have a change of heart. It could take something as small as an unexpected class that they happen to love that will change their whole course of action.
There are countless examples of people who figure out what they want to do later in their college career or even later in life, and they end up just as successful as those who have figured it out from the age of 18. Something important I have found is to not force an interest. I am taking two intro classes this semester, and both are subjects that I thought would be a gateway to pursuing them as a major. But, to be honest, right now, I am not in love with either of them. It is disappointing of course, but I am keeping my hopes up and will continue to explore next semester, and that is all I can do.
My hope in writing this article, is that if you are reading this and have no clue as to your major or career, OR if you think you like something but all of a sudden your passion is pulling you elsewhere, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. While being unsure and undecided on where you will point your academic focus for the next 3 years, there is a beauty in the unknown. Try new things and allow your course of action to come naturally. If you force it, you may end up unhappy or with a load of courses to make up. In regards to the anxiety that comes with it, while easier said than done, all you can do is have faith that it will all work out, and listen to your gut!