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Music and Study Habits – Is This Really Effective for Everyone? 

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

A lot of the time when we study or do homework, we tend to play some music. Whether this is for background sound, or to relieve some stress, it has become a very common activity among students. But, is listening to music while we study actually defeating the purpose? 

In general, many people play music while they study for various reasons. Music often boosts people’s serotonin, endorphins, and dopamine, which are feel-good chemicals that help regulate your brain’s chemical balance. This can help boost mood and motivation. This is what often makes studying a more enjoyable experience while also maintaining a positive mindset. 

Additionally, music (for some), can help block out distracting thoughts or noises. It can also act as a trigger for cognitive development and memory recall. Listening to the same songs or playlist when you study can later help you remember the same material that was being studied when you were listening to that music. 

So, music when studying seems beneficial, right? 

In my experience, listening to music while I study is more distracting than helpful. I have found that I listen more to the music than retain the material in front of me. I have always been someone who needs quiet in order to read or think effectively. I have found a way to block out both distracting noises and thoughts – and that is through the use of white noise. Ever since I found this technique, I have been able to study much more effectively, improve my focus, relieve my stress, and block out any distractions. If you are like me and need quiet surroundings in order to study, I highly recommend this technique for your next study session. 

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Sisi Drohan

Holy Cross '28

Siena (Sisi) Drohan belongs to the class of 2028 at the College of the Holy Cross. Sisi lives in Hingham, Massachusetts, but has spent most of her time living in New Hampshire and Vermont throughout her years of high school. Sisi attended Green Mountain Valley School (GMVS), a ski academy in Vermont, her 8th grade and freshman year of high school. For the rest of high school, she attended Proctor Academy in Andover, New Hampshire, where she continued FIS ski racing, and played lacrosse. During her time at Proctor Academy, she studied abroad in Aix en Provence, France, where she gained knowledge and learned about her love for travel, art, and architecture. At Holy Cross, although her major is undecided at the moment, she is particularly interested in studying architecture and psychology.